Dr George  Maier

Dr George Maier

LSE Fellow


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Key Expertise
Platform economies, Rating systems, Class, Inequalities, Debt

About me

George’s research sits at the confluence of socio-economic relations and digital technology. For the past four years, he has been engaged in specific research around the “gig economy”. He has recently put forward research arguing that gig economy platforms misrecognise subject value through digital rating systems. George is also working on research that looks at the role of debt in platform economies. He has previously contributed to a variety of other research projects around digital inequalities – looking at aspects such as class, economic exclusion and gender.

George was awarded a PhD in Data, Networks and Society from the London School of Economics in 2021, having previously obtained a master’s in Political Science and Critical Theory from the University of Nottingham. He has taught on a variety of courses covering inequalities and socio-economic theory, as well as interdisciplinary methods courses. He has supervised postgraduate research across the LSE, King’s College London and The University of Sheffield. In 2020 he was awarded Fellowships status at the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), after completing a professional teaching qualification (PGCertHE) at the LSE.

Expertise Details

Platform economies; including the “gig economy”; rating systems and their connection to economic systems; class and financial inequalities; debt


Book Reviews

Maier, G (2018) ‘Grant Bollmer, Inhuman Networks: Social Media and the Archaeology of Connection’ International Journal of Communication 12(2018) pp. 3339–3342

Maier, G (2017) ‘Book Review: The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century: The Piketty Opportunity’ The LSE Review of Books 
Subsequently republished online by American Politics and Policy, LSE Business Review and the Global Policy Journal


Academic Blog

Livingstone, S; Ólafsson, K; Maier, G (2017) ‘If Children Don’t Know an Ad from Information, How Can They Grasp How Companies Use Their Personal Data?’ Media Policy Project Blog.

Conferences and events

Maier, G (2021) ‘Indebted by Design: Uber Drivers Trapped in London’s Gig Economy by Debt’ Presented at: European Sociological Association 2021, Barcelona, Spain (online due to Covid-19).

Maier, G (2020) ‘Social Class and Datafied Subject Value in London’s Gig Economy’ Presented at: American Sociological Association 2020, San Francisco, United States of America (online due to Covid-19).

Maier, G (2020) ‘“I Get on Better with Anglo People”: Racial Discrimination in Guest Acceptance Decision-Making Within London’s AirBnB Host Community’ Presented at: International Association for Media and Communication Research 2020, Tampere, Finland (online due to Covid-19).

Maier, G; Gilchrist, K (2020) ‘Women Who Host: Gendered Subjectivity Among London’s AirBnB Hosts’ Presented at: Cultural Studies Association, Chicago, The United States of America (online due to Covid-19).

Maier, G (2019) ‘Labour, Capital and Debt: Theorising the Gig Economy’. Presented at: European Sociological Association 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom

Maier, G (2019) ‘Who is Valued? Symbolic Subject Value in the Sharing Economy’. Presented at: International Association for Media and Communication Research 2019, Madrid, Spain 

Maier, G (2019) ‘Valued or Devalued: Symbolic Subject Value in the Sharing Economy’ Presented at: Cultural Studies Association, New Orleans, The United States of America

Maier, G (2019) ‘Making a Living in the Sharing Economy: The Female AirBnB Hosts of London’. Presented at: International Communication Association, Washington DC, The United States of America

Maier, G (2019) ‘'Gay Capital’ and the Neoliberal Commodification of Gay Male Personhood’. Presented at: International Communication Association, Washington DC, The United States of America

Maier, G (2019) ‘The Female Host and Internal Inequalities Within London's AirBnB Host Community’. Presented at: Gender and Working Lives Symposium, University of Cambridge 

Maier, G (2018) ‘Power, Class and Digital Markets: A Critique of Digital Inclusion’. Presented at: International Association for Media and Communication Research 2018, Eugene, Oregon, The United States of America

Maier, G (2018) ‘Reconceptualising the Sharing Economy for Class Analysis’. Presented at: DigitalCapitalism2018, London, United Kingdom

Maier, G (2017) ‘Digital Inclusion: A Critique of Power and Inequality in The Social Construction of the Digital World’. Presented at: BRESTOLON, Lisbon, Portugal