Dr Lukas Slothuus

Dr Lukas Slothuus

LSE Fellow


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Danish, English
Key Expertise
Political theory, Critical theory

About me

Lukas Slothuus is a political theorist working within the critical theory tradition. He completed an ESRC-funded PhD at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on the status of emancipation today, the role of intellectuals in social and political change, as well as the relationship between affect and reason. His work has been published in Political StudiesConstellationsDistinktion: Journal of Social TheoryJacobin, and Red Pepper Magazine among others.

Expertise Details

Political theory; Critical theory; Marxism


Slothuus, L. (2022) Eugene Rivers and the responsibility of intellectuals. Constellations (online-first, open access). URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-8675.12616 

Slothuus, L. (2021) Comradely critique. Political Studies (online-first, open access). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00323217211040011 

Slothuus, L. (2021) Faith between reason and affect: Thinking with Antonio Gramsci. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory. (online-first, open access). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1600910X.2021.1934505

Slothuus, L. (2021) Decolonisation, immigration, Prevent, and the hostile environment, 27-30. In: University and College Union Scotland, The future of Scottish higher education: An alternative vision for universities, Glasgow: UCU. Available at: https://www.ucu.org.uk/media/11371/Future-of-Scottish-HE-Feb-21/pdf/Future_of_Scottish_HE_Feb_21.pdf

Conferences and Public Events

2021: Edinburgh Learning & Teaching Annual Conference

2020: American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference

2020: Association for Political Theory (APT) Annual Conference (accepted)

2019: Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference

2019: Historical Materialism Annual Conference

2018: Cornell Political Theory Colloquium

2017: Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics, and Ethics (CAPPE) Annual Conference

2017: Democratic Resistances in Times of Rightwing Mobilization Conference, University of Copenhagen

2015: Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) Annual Graduate Conference


Fellow of AdvanceHE (formerly the Higher Education Academy)

PgCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Higher Education))

ESRC 1+3 MSc/PhD studentship

AHRC Research Preparation studentship