Change Makers Presentation Event

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The Change Makers End of Year Event will take place between 1:30-5:30pm (with a light lunch available from 1pm) on Monday 10 June 2024.

It is an opportunity for this year’s researchers to share their research into different aspects of education and student experience at LSE, and discuss their findings and recommendations for change with the wider LSE community.

The projects that will be presenting have been organised into four themed panels. You can view the programme online.

You can register to join us in-person or online. Registering doesn’t commit you to the whole event: you can drop in and out to attend as many of the themed panels as you wish. 

poster exhibition in will also be open from 1pm with light refreshments available before (1-1:30pm) and mid-way through (3:40-4pm) the event.

In the meantime, you can watch recordings of last year's presentations on Youtube, and read all reports on the Research Gallery.

If you have any questions, please email