Peer Support application

Previous Peer Supporters who have completed the Peer Support training said they gained a tremendous amount from it.

two students talking

Could you be an LSE Peer Supporter in 2018-2019?

The LSE Student Counselling Service is looking for undergraduate or graduate students, including PhD students, who are interested in becoming Peer Supporters in the 2019-2020 academic year.

Benefits of becoming a Peer Supporter

Previous Peer Supporters who have completed the Peer Support training said they gained a tremendous amount from it. In addition to meeting regularly and developing close bonds with others who attend the training, Peer Supporters found that they gained an increased ability to listen and respond supportively in all walks of life. Becoming a Peer Supporter offers transferable skills in listening, communicating and relating to others, as well as enhanced learning about yourself within inter-personal and organisational settings. Being a Peer Supporter is widely recognised as enhancing your CV, with increased emotional intelligence and social capital.

One of the benefits of becoming an LSE Peer Supporter is the possibility of an offer of accommodation within one of the LSE residences for 2018-19: Bankside House, Carr-Saunders Hall, Sidney-Webb Hall, High Holborn, Northumberland House, Grosvenor House, Urbanest Kings Cross, Urbanest Westminster, Passfield Hall or Roseberry Hall. Offers of accommodation will be made after students have attended and successfully completed the training, and you are not guaranteed a place in the hall of your choice.

Training and development

Initial training

In this voluntary role you will receive 30 hours of training from the LSE Student Counselling Service in listening, questioning and responding skills, plus fortnightly supervision throughout the year. These skills will enable you to provide emotional support to your peers at the LSE through the Peer Support Project.

This will consist of 6 training days to be delivered at the end of the Summer Term / start of Michaelmas term. Please note: the training will not equip you to become a counsellor, but someone who is equipped to support their peers in an approachable, informal and supportive way.

Supervision & on-going training

On completion of the training, Peer Supporters are organised into supervision groups. The supervision meetings take place every two weeks and are facilitated by a counsellor. It is a space where Peer Supporters can discuss issues arising from the support they provide to others.

Application and selection

Applications to become a Peer Supporter in the 2020/21 academic year will be accepted until 31 March 2020.

Applicants will be interviewed at the start of the summer term, or in the holiday just before it if you are available. The training will take place during the last week of the summer term, and for 1 or 2 days at the start of Michaelmas term 2020.

The scheme is open to undergraduates and MRes/PhD students and 2 year Masters students. 

Please access further information on recruitment and the application form from January 2020.

Watch a video about how to become a Peer Supporter on YouTube.

If you have any questions about the application process, please email

Further information

You can find further information about the LSE Peer Support Scheme on the:

  1. Peer Support webpage

  2. Peer Support Facebook



Contact us


Telephone +44 (0) 20 7852 3627

Address View on Google maps

Student Counselling Service, 4th Floor, Fawcett House (FAW), Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE

(Please use the Fawcett House entrance and take the lift to the 4th Floor. Turn right when you exit the lift and you’ll see our department.)