Online training and resources

The Organisational Learning team provides a number of online training and resources to aid you in your personal and professional development:

Firstly, check out our Astute learning Platform. You'll find a wealth of eLearning courses and microlearning modules on a range of personal and professional development topics. The following are just a snapshot of what we have on the platform. 

  • Developing a growth mindset
  • The secrets of skilled delegation
  • From team member to manager: A Guide for New Managers
  • 5 Leadership styles to boost performance
  • Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Check out this page to find out more, or log into the platform to access the courses. You will find them on your home page under self-enrol courses. 

Details of other online resouces can be found below:

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion learning modules 

All of the learning listed below can be found on the Astute Learning Platform

1. All staff training

Equity, diversity and inclusion essentials for all staff

This training playlist includes two essential trainings:

  • Inclusion Essentials (90 mins)

Covering all protected characteristics and offers an effective introduction into equity, diversity and inclusion concepts and behaviours

  • Bullying and harassment: Effective Interventions Short Course (15 mins)

Covering helpful steps for staff who are impacted by bullying and harassment as well as measures to be taken for bystanders and managers

All staff members are expected to complete this training playlist.

EDI - all staff learning pathway: protected characteristics

This training playlist offers seven shorter trainings that delve deeper into specific protected characteristics for anyone who would like to learn more.

  • The Multi-Generational Workforce (30 mins)
  • Neurodiversity (30 mins)
  • Trans and Non-Binary Awareness (15 mins)
  • Understanding Gender Bias (15 mins)
  • Sexual Orientation (13 mins)
  • Understanding Race Bias (15 mins)
  • Disability Inclusion (10 mins)

EDI - all staff learning pathway: EDI and your day-to-day work

This training playlist includes four trainings, including guidance on the legal duties for employers and public sector organisations as well as how to be an effective bystander and ally:

  • Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) (10 mins)

Covering the legal duties regarding publishing information and due regard to EDI for public sector organisations like LSE

  • Working Effectively with the Equality Act 2010 (30 mins)

Covering how to work with the Equality Act in practice regarding positive action, recruitment and harassment

  • The Effective Bystander (20 mins)

Providing guidance on how to effectively engage with all parties in cases of harassment, bullying and discrimination

  • How to be an Ally (10 mins)

Covering how to recognise inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and communicate effectively

2. Manager Training

EDI Learning pathway for managers

This learning pathway consists of various modules covering how managers can support staff with protected characteristics such as supporting working carers, implementing reasonable adjustments or tackling gender bias in recruitment processes. The playlist also includes a course on tackling sexual harassment and information for managers on UK equality legislation.

  • Tackling Race Bias at Work: A Guide for Managers (45 mins)
  • Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (20 mins)
  • Supporting Working Carers: Advice for Managers (5 mins)
  • Tackling Gender Bias (15 mins)
  • Supporting Trans and Non-Binary People at Work: A Guide for Managers (15 mins)
  • Introduction to UK Equality Legislation for Managers (25 mins)
  • Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Complete Guide (45 mins)

LSE Sustainability

LSE is strongly committed to sustainability, as such, it is a key principle of both our LSE 2030 Strategy and the Ethics Code.  This online module has been designed for the whole School community with the aim of increasing understanding of Sustainability at the LSE, from how we are reducing our environmental impacts to how research and education are contributing to the wider sustainability agenda and the many ways you can personally take action. With useful links to carbon footprint calculators and interactive tools you can delve into the world of sustainability at LSE or fast click your way through the course. You can access the module at:

If you have any queries, feel free to contact a member of the Sustainability team on

Student mental health and wellbeing (online staff training)

A new online interactive training session will help you to identify when a student might need support, know how best to listen and respond to a student, as well as how to arrange support and get urgent help in a serious situation.

Please click here for more details and how to access the training session.

Mind - Mental Health Awareness Module

The School has introduced an online Mental Health Awareness at Work module (offered by the national charity Mind) to support staff returning to campus. The module includes areas such as tips for self-care and building resilience, alongside understanding mental health problems and raising awareness of wellbeing in the workplace.

Please click here to access the module, which should take about 50 minutes to complete. 

For further details about who we are, visit the HR people page.