Visiting Appointments

Explore key information about the Visting Appointments schemes at LSE

The School's Visiting Appointments Scheme is a device to help Departments, Institutes and Centres invite staff who are either practitioners or academics in other institutions to conduct research and other activities.

LSE Visiting Appointments Scheme

All details of the Scheme for the Appointment and Extension of Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows, Visiting Professors and Visiting Professors in Practice can be found here:

Visiting Appointments Scheme


The Process

Please note that applications need to be made in advance of the applicant's intended start date, as per the submission deadlines below.

To the begin the process, access the Visiting Appointments: Request to Appoint/ Renew Form here.

N.B the form only consists of two pages and should be completed by Heads of Department/Directors of Institutes/Centres, or delegated authority.

1. Complete all mandatory questions.

2. Click on '>>' (at the bottom right of the form) to move on to the next page.

3. Follow Step 1.

4. Click on '>>' (at the bottom right of the form) to submit the application.

Please ensure that all mandatory fields are complete otherwise you will not be able to submit the application form.

5. The visiting appointments contact within the Department/Institute/Centre will be notified of the outcome via email, and we will include a link to the Visitor Details Form for forwarding to approved candidates.

6. Visiting appointment letters will be issued as per the dates set out in the full schedule document detailed below, providing the Visitor Details form is received.

Submission Deadlines

Timetable for Visiting Appointments 2019-20

Visiting Appointment Start Date

Deadline for Submissions to HR               

Departments informed of outcomes

Outcome letter distributed from HR by (upon receipt of completed Visitor Detail Form)

No earlier than Monday 25 November 2024

Wednesday 09 October 2024

Friday 08 November 2024

Wednesday 20 November 2024

No earlier than Monday 03 March 2025

Wednesday 08 January 2025

Friday 07 February 2025

Wednesday 19 February 2025

No earlier than Tuesday 06 May 2025

Wednesday 05 March 2025

Friday 04 April 2025

Wednesday 16 April 2025

No earlier than Monday 01 July 2025

Wednesday 07 May 2025

Friday 06 June 2025

Wednesday 18 June 2025

No earlier than Monday 01 September 2025

Wednesday 09 July 2025

Wednesday 08 August 2025

Friday 20 August 2025


Centennial Professors

Proposals for Centennial Professor appointments are considered annually, usually during Winter Term. HR will notify Heads of Department of application deadlines in advance.

There are two categories of Centennial Professor, to find out more, please explore the schemes below:

BP Centennial Professor [PDF]

LSE Centennial Professor [PDF]

Contact HR

If you have any queries about visiting appointments, please contact a member of the team by emailing Alternatively, please call 020 7106 7296.

Please refer to the Immigration & Compliance webpage for any queries relating to overseas visitors who require a visa to visit the UK. Alternatively, please email