Please note: The previous visa category Visitor (Permitted Paid Engagements) has been phased out as part of an update to the visitor visa rules implemented on 31 January 2024.
This means that individuals no longer need to obtain a separate visa or visa entry stamp to enter as a visitor to undertake paid engagements.
Visitors wishing to come to the UK to undertake a permitted paid engagement will be able to visit as a Standard Visitor for up to 6 months. They can enter the UK at the border without a visa in advance if they are a non-visa national (for example, EU nationals), or if they are a visa national, they will need to apply for a Standard Visitor visa before they travel.
However, even if they have permission to visit for 6 months, they are only allowed to undertake the paid engagement within the first 30 days of the date they entered the UK.
If an individual wishes to undertake a permitted paid engagement whilst in the UK they will need to demonstrate that they are eligible to do so. Please see the section below for further information.
To undertake a permitted paid engagement in the UK the individual must be able to demonstrate they meet these eligibility requirements:
- They must have a written invitation from the Department/Institute/Centre inviting them to undertake the engagement (see example letter template).
- The permitted paid engagement must have been arranged and confirmed in advance of their visit and is relevant to their field of expertise.
- They must be able to show they are an expert in their profession; for example by holding an academic post overseas, or by their published work.
- They can only undertake the permitted paid engagements as set out by the Home Office. At LSE, these will normally be giving a lecture or a series of lectures, speaking at a conference, or to act as a student examiner or assessor.
- They can only undertake a permitted paid engagement within 30 days of the date they entered the UK.
Please use the Casual Payment process to request a payment for the individual.
When making a casual payment request you will need to send the following to HR to demonstrate the individual is eligible to undertake a permitted paid engagement:
- A copy of a boarding card (digital or scanned paper copy) showing the date of arrival, and
- A copy of the photo page of the passport, and
- A formal invitation letter dated before the engagement takes place (see our example template). It must state the date of the engagement and be within 30 days of the date of arrival to the UK.
Please ensure that you share these new Home Office requirements with overseas visitors before they commence their paid engagement so that they are aware they must retain their boarding card.
Requests without these documents cannot be paid.