Environmental wellbeing

How going greener can boost your wellbeing

reducing environmental impact and enhancing wellbeing

LSE is continually aiming to improve its environmental sustainability by working with staff and students across the School. Not only does this make sense for LSE as an employer, it also means that the School can support individual staff with ways in which they can reduce their environmental impact and, as a consequence, enhance their wellbeing. 


Greener commutes

There's plenty of evidence that walking and cycling everyday are great for your mental health. With that in mind, here's more information about how you can benefit from a greener commute. 

Put a spring in your step with a clean air walking route

If you're motivated to walk all or part of your commute, the Clean Air Route Finder allows you to put in any route and be shown a low pollution walking option.

For more walking inspiration whether you're on or off campus, take a look at TFL's walking maps

Cycle and save with the cycle to work scheme

If you're looking for a two wheel solution to your commuting conundrum, you can save on a bike courtesy of the School's cycle to work scheme.

What's more, LSE’s Sustainability team regularly hosts on campus bicycle repair sessions free to staff and students. These are advertised within Staff and Student News and on the team's communications channels

If you'd like to be part of the conversation about improving cycling support on campus, the LSE Bicycle User Group is run by volunteers and is in conversation with the Estates Division regarding cycling facilities at the School. The group also share useful information for London cyclists.

For more information about your nearest showers, lockers and secure cycle parking facilities, please see the School's transport and cycling facilities resources page.


Networks and clubs

Did you know that the School has a range of networks and clubs that support important aspects of environmental wellbeing? Just take a look below to find out more. 

Green Impact

Green Impact - the School’s unofficial sustainability network - take part in LSE’s sustainability engagement programme and reduce the School’s environmental impact.

Contact LSE's Sustainability Team (sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk) to get involved.

Hedgehog Friendly Campus Club

Meeting every two months, the club work with the Sportsground team to run campaigns and events that take practical steps to improve habitats and circumstances for hedgehogs across campus and at home. 

Contact LSE's Sustainability Team (sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk) to get involved.

LSE Beekeeping

Did you know there are three urban bee colonies on the rooftops of Connaught House?

LSE Beekeeping is open for all staff and students who are interested in learning about urban beekeeping and discovering the world of bees. Contact the LSESU Beekeeping Society to get involved. 

Rooftop-Gardening Club

The Shaw Library roof terrace is an ideal place to relax with friends, and now you can try your hand at urban food growing too! The dedicated growing space on the Old Building of LSE has a committed group of staff and student gardeners who keep the planters in shape.

Contact LSE's Sustainability Team (sustainability.team@lse.ac.uk) to get involved.


LSE Tree channels

LSE Tree - the School's dedicated Teams channel for non-work discussion - includes a number of channels that touch on environmental wellbeing. 

Join the chat and enhance your environmental wellbeing


Please do let us know at Staffwellbeing@lse.ac.uk if there's an environmental wellbeing resource that you would like to see featured here.