Sexual orientation

Equality Act 2010, Section 12: Sexual orientation


Spectrum is the LSE network for LGBT+ staff at LSE. Spectrum represents staff from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other minority sexual orientation and gender identities. Spectrum holds open meetings on the second Thursday of each month. There is an agenda but it's also an informal space to get together and chat. All are welcome to attend.

Twitter: @LSESpectrum

LSESU LGBT+ Alliance

The LSESU LGBT+ Alliance is the LGBT+ society of LSE’s Students' Union. They provide welfare and advice for LGBT+ students, and also organise social events, talks and debates, civil rights campaigns and other LGBT+ related events on campus and around London.

LSESU have created a guide for LGBTQ+ students at LSE.

LGBT+ Role Models and Allies Directory

In common with many other higher education providers, LSE has a directory of LGBT+ role models and allies.

This is designed to support people to feel confident being themselves while working and studying. Role models are LGBT+ members of staff at LSE (academics and PSS (professional services staff). Allies are people who do not identify as LGBT+ but who are willing to take a stand for promoting and supporting LGBT+ equality. Both the role models and the allies are available to support and speak with members of the LSE community.


The following list of LSE resources, policies and procedures are all inclusive of LGBT+ staff:

Equality Act 2010, Section 12: Sexual orientation

There are many ways in which sexual orientation can be defined; one starting point is the Equality Act 2010, which protects LGBT+ staff and students. Sexual orientation is defined in the Act to include a person's sexual orientation towards people of the same sex, opposite sex or both.

Section 12 of the Equality Act defines ‘sexual orientation’ as follows:

(1) Sexual orientation means a person's sexual orientation towards—
(a) persons of the same sex,
(b) persons of the opposite sex, or
(c) persons of either sex.

(2) In relation to the protected characteristic of sexual orientation—
(a) a reference to a person who has a particular protected characteristic is a reference to a person who is of a particular sexual orientation;
(b) a reference to persons who share a protected characteristic is a reference to persons who are of the same sexual orientation.

This legislative definition is a limited one. It does not, for example, acknowledge asexuality, and it assumes a binary notion of gender. The LSE support services listed on this page are open to all LGBT+ staff and students at LSE, not just those who fit the legislative definition.