
Reduced usage and increased efficiency mean a smaller carbon footprint. We already use 100% renewable electricity, however we still use gas and biogas for heating and hot water.

2 Read the 20222023 Annual Sustainability ReportCopy of Contents - Energy

Renewable Energy

  • Our energy consumption for 2022/23 was 38,162 MWh, which represents a nine per cent decrease against 2021/22 and a three per cent reduction against our 2005/06 baseline. This decrease against last year is due to the end of the covid-safe measures in place in 2021/22, as well as an active management of our heating controls and set points, optimising them on a daily basis to reduce our gas usage
  • In 2022/23, we produced over 102 MWh of electricity thanks to our photovoltaic panels. This is enough to power one of our buildings, Cowdray House, for a year. In addition, 100 per cent of the electricity we purchase is from renewable sources (e.g., solar and wind).

  • The electricity purchased by LSE through the LASER consortium is sourced from 100% renewable sources (e.g. solar and wind) and backed by a REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) Certificate.

    • The REGO scheme provides transparency about the proportion of electricity that suppliers source from renewable generation. We are also exploring the use of Power Purchase Agreement for our green electricity.

Construction and Refurbishment

  • All new buildings and refurbishments works are delivered to high sustainability standards. The Centre Buildings Redevelopment achieved BREEAM "Excellent" (Design) certification. 

  • Sophisticated building management systems (BMS) provide energy-efficient heating and cooling whilst delivering comfort for building users. Our partner, Portal Building Controls, won the Energy Management Award at the BCIA 2018 Awards for their involvement in LSE’s RE:FIT programme.

  • Planned maintenance projects help improve energy efficiency across campus, including rolling out LED lighting, low-energy lifts and other measures.


  • In 2024, LSE was granted £2.7m as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. The University will match-fund the balance to achieve and overall investment of £4.7m. These funds will be used for:
    • Replacing gas boilers on the Lionel Robbins Building and Connaught House with air source heat pumps
    • To improve existing solar panels..
  • We have invested £4.5m since 2015 in retrofitting LSE buildings with energy-efficiency measures, in partnership with the Mayor of London's RE:FIT scheme. Some of the technologies implemented include:

    • LED lighting upgrades and controls
    • Solar panels
    • Boiler and chiller upgrades
    • Pipe insulation

Energy Management System

LSE maintains a robust Energy Management System (EnMS) which strategically manages, monitors, and improves our and energy impacts. Our EnMS has been certified to the internationally recognised ISO 50001 standard since 2015.

  • Energy Policy

  • Energy Review

Engagement Programmes

  • LSE students living in halls of residence have been encouraged to reduce their energy consumption through the SOS UK Sustainable Halls Campaign (and before 2021-22, our Reduce the Juice campaign)

  • LSE staff involved with our Green Impact staff sustainability engagment programme take actions to reduce energy consumption in their offices and at home

 Energy Usage Graph