Mental Health Awareness Week

10-16 May 2021


You don’t have to have all the answers - simply listening is sometimes the best thing you can do

Sarah Massey, LSE Mental Health Champion

Take part in this year's Mental Health Awareness Week to check-in with your wellbeing, get informed about mental health, and learn how to support yourself and others. 

Here are some easy ways for you to get involved:

  • Book onto our dedicated workshops and activities for students and staff
  • Watch our wellbeing and mental health animations for tips to help you cope throughout the pandemic and beyond
  • Reconnect with nature and block out some time in your calendar to go for a walk in your local green space
  • Refresh your understanding of common mental health issues with Mind's resources for mental health
  • Check in with your friends and ask them how they're doing - it could make the world of difference. 

Two students sitting on a bench talking

Activities and workshops for students

Managing anxiety

When? Monday 10 May 2021, 12-1pm

What? This one-hour workshop will help you understand what anxiety is and learn practical techniques to help you manage.

Sign up now!

Managing exam stress

When? Monday 10 May 2021, 2-3pm

What? Learn techniques for managing exam stress, covering both the run up to exams as well as advice for how to manage on the day. You'll also learn about common difficulties and get to grips with a range of solutions to help with anxiety and stress about exams.

Sign up now!

Grounding and calming techniques for managing anxiety

When? Tuesday 11 May 2021, 12-1pm 

What? In this workshop, you'll learn grounding techniques to help you quickly feel both safer and calmer. Instead of being trapped in our fearful thoughts, we learn to focus on calming the physical body.

Sign up now!

Managing sleep difficulties

When? Wednesday 12 May 2021, 2-3pm

What? Join this workshop to increase your understanding of the process of sleep and explore strategies and ideas about how you might work towards achieving better sleep. 

Sign up now!

Mindfulness and stress management

When? Thursday 13 May 2021, 12-1pm 

What? Join this workshop to learn how you can use mindfulness to help reduce the pressures in your life and the amount of time you spend worrying about things.

Sign up now!


A group of people talking and laughing

Activities and resources for staff

Recharge Your Wellness Week

What? From supercharging your sleep to getting active to building connections with others around the School, events for staff are running throughout Mental Health Awareness Week.

When? Check out the Recharge Your Wellness calendar - events are scheduled during the week in the morning, lunchtimes and afternoons so that as many staff as possible have the chance to attend. 

Learn more and book your sessions!

Workshop: coping with post-lockdown anxiety

What? The last year has required all of us to make significant changes in how we live and work. As lockdown eases and more regular patterns of work start returning, some of us might be feeling anxious about this return. There are many questions, such as

- Will I fit in?

- Will I still be able to manage my job?

- I don't know if I can navigate public transport and more?

This workshop will look at 're-entry anxiety' and offer a range of practical techniques for managing these transitions.

When? Wednesday 12 May 2021, 2-3pm

Sign up now!

Staff training: supporting student mental health

What? A short online training course for all staff to support conversations with students about mental health and wellbeing, and what to do if there's cause for concern.

Take the training now!

 A group of students talking outside, text reads 'Watch: 3-minute wellbeing'

Wellbeing animations: coping throughout the pandemic and beyond

Coping with feelings of loneliness and isolation

Coping with feelings of loneliness Coping with feelings of loneliness
Many of us are feeling lonely or isolated at the moment, but there are things that can help you cope.


Coping with fear

Coping with fear Coping with fear
The pandemic has created uncertainty and new challenges for many, especially students. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, but it’s also good to have some techniques for coping.


Wellbeing for international students

Wellbeing for international students Wellbeing for international students
At the moment, we might find ourselves worrying about the health of our loved ones, uncertain as to when we can travel, and struggling to be productive – but there are some steps we can take to move forward and make the best of our university experience. Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health.


Finding motivation

Finding motivation Finding motivation
It’s normal for motivation to come and go. But sometimes, things don’t seem so easy – and the pandemic might make it feel more difficult to get going. But there are some things we can do to kick-start our motivation.


Reaching out and staying well

Reaching out and staying well Reaching out and staying well
Many of us are feeling extra stress and anxiety at the moment, but we can manage these symptoms and have a positive time at university. Remember you’re not alone - we can always reach out to friends, family, LSE staff and health professionals.