LSE Careers works towards LSE’s overarching areas of focus in line with the School’s commitment to embedding and mainstreaming equity, diversity and inclusion:
To advance diversity of student recruitment, equity of attainment, and an inclusive community
We strongly believe that students from all backgrounds should have fair access to a great range of opportunities throughout their studies and after they graduate. Our work in this area aims to build understanding of the issues students often face and identify opportunities for action.
To promote inclusive teaching, education and engagement
Diversity of people and perspectives
We actively encourage and seek diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in the alumni and employers involved in our programmes.
Diversity in staffing
We ensure our recruitment panels are diverse and consider issues of equity and inclusivity in our assessment.
Staff and student engagement
We encourage staff to participate in LSE’s networks and are growing opportunities to work more closely with students through relevant LSESU groups and representatives and our own advisory group.
Active communication channels
We celebrate diversity through recognising national awareness events and continually increasing the diversity of student and graduates’ career journeys shared through our communication channels.
Survey evidence
We review, analyse and monitor data on engagement and graduate outcomes in order to address gaps and target support at students who need it most.
Centralised advice and expertise
We have staff with specific focus in the areas of BAME*, disabled students, LGBTQ+, gender and social mobility.
NB Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2017-2022
*A note on terminology
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) are umbrella terms used by the UK government and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) to refer to all non-white people. However, we recognise that these terms are problematic, in that they mask differences in lived experience and outcomes for many different ethnic groups. Improving our community’s understanding of these differences will be part of our work on race equity at LSE.