Discover | International Organisations

Discover | International Organisations is our careers programme for LSE students looking to understand what different international organisations do, how they are structured, and what they might be looking for in applicants.

As well as showcasing useful resources and opportunities throughout the year, Discover | International Organisations features a series of careers events where you can hear from employers who are especially keen to meet with LSE students. These events will include in-person and online sessions like employer information presentations with student Q&As, panel discussions, and careers fair-style stalls to facilitate networking opportunities.

At the heart of this programme is our flagship ‘Discover International Organisations Day’ – a day-long, on-campus event where you can attend employer recruitment presentations, enjoy panel discussions featuring representatives from across the sector and speak to employers during morning and afternoon careers fair sessions.

Read on to find out how our Discover | International Organisations programme can support you in your career planning.

What's on: Browse the full timetable of events for LSE students

This year’s Discover | International Organisations events will primarily take place in Autumn Term.

View upcoming Discover | International Organisations events on CareerHub.

Organisations: Check out which organisations are attending this year’s events

More details about the organisations you can meet at this year's events will be added soon.

Prepare: Browse our top tips for making the most of the events

Joining our Discover | International Organisations events? Make the most of your time by following the tips below...

  1. Do your research
  2. Know what's on offer
  3. Ask questions
  4. Plan your environment and dress appropriately
  5. Take notes - they might be useful in future applications
  6. Update your CV
  7. Follow up after the events - follow speakers on Linkedin

Online tools, resources, and job opportunities

Check out other LSE Careers resources relevant to working in international organisations

Found our Discover | International Organisations sessions insightful and wondering what's next? Or waiting for next year's events?

Here are some related LSE Careers resources you might like to check out:

Talk to one of our careers consultants

Get confidential one-to-one guidance from one of our professional and dedicated team of careers consultants.

Our consultants can help with:

  • careers advice and planning;
  • CV, cover letter and application form feedback;
  • practice interviews;
  • specialist careers support for disabled students and PhD students.

Read about different types of careers appointments online

Book a careers appointment on CareerHub

Gain new skills at our career skills workshops

Throughout the year we provide a range of events to equip you with the skills to succeed including:

  • CV, cover letter and application workshops;
  • mock assessment centres;
  • sector insights;
  • seminars on case studies and psychometric tests.

Browse all of our events on CareerHub

Browse jobs and opportunities in international organisations