Personality tests

What are personality tests?

In personality tests or (personality questionnaires) you will be asked to answer a series of questions about yourself, the type of person you are, the way you think, your relationship with people and your emotions. Quite often similar questions will be repeated, but in slightly different ways, to ensure accurate and genuine answers are given.

The format might involve you identifying the statement that best describes you or ranking the presented options in order of your level of agreement with them.

The questionnaire results allow employers to identify your personal characteristics in relation to the world of work and to check whether your personality type is suited to the job you have applied for and the team you would be working in. The results from these tests are sometimes used by recruiters to inform the questions they ask you during the interview process.

How can I prepare for a personality test?

While you might initially think that being tested on your personality shouldn’t require any preparation, it does require a level of self-reflection which can be demanding for some. By undertaking practice tests, you’ll better understand the process involved and that should help you to feel more focused and less nervous on the day.

  • You can gain an idea of the strengths an employer is looking for from their website, the job description/person specification, or from speaking to current employees. This knowledge will help you to reflect on your own strengths and focus your responses on the day.

How can I perform better on the day?

  • Don’t try to second guess what the employer is looking for. Give honest answers to the questions. This will lead to more accurate matching between you, the role and employer, and ultimately greater job satisfaction for you.

Do not think too hard about each question, quite often your gut reaction will be the most appropriate answer.

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