Student Circus

What is it?

Student Circus has three features:

  • A job search portal for international students in the UK who are currently on a student visa.
  • An international jobs portal for students and alumni looking to work overseas.
  • Country career guides for international students and alumni returning to work in their home country after studying.

What are the details?

On Student Circus, you can find:

  • Full-time job opportunities: Jobs from companies that have a Skilled Worker visa sponsorship license and would therefore consider sponsoring a Skilled Worker visa. 
  • Internships: Internships from all employers irrespective of the fact whether they have a Skilled Worker visa sponsorship license or not.
  • International jobs board: Full-time roles and internships in 29 different countries outside of the UK.
  • Country guides: Home country career guides for 16 different countries outside of the UK.

Who’s it for?

  • Current students and alumni seeking full-time work with Skilled Worker visa sponsorship in the UK.
  • Current students and alumni seeking full-time work outside of the UK.
  • Current international students and alumni seeking guidance about careers in their home country.

Who'll benefit the most?

Anyone unsure about what they want from their career  
Those who have some ideas about what they might like to do and would like to explore these further
Anyone who would like to gain skills and experience related to their career plans
Those ready to apply for, or who have started applying and interviewing for opportunities

How do I get started?

Student Circus is a Third Party platform unassociated with The London School of Economics and Political Science. By signing up to Student Circus you are agreeing to their Terms and ConditionsPrivacy Policy and for your data to be kept on Student Circus’ database for four years. Please ensure that you have read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before continuing.

I'm a student ready to go

I'm an alum ready to go: email LSE Careers to request access