Departmental funds

The following funds are available for students undertaking postgraduate study in the relevant academic department.

Department of Economic History: The Radwan Travel and Discovery Fund

The Radwan Travel and Discovery Fund has been established to assist MPhil/PhD students in the Department of Economic History and specifically to support travel for research purposes, including data collection, consultation of library/archive sources, interviews etc.

To apply, please complete an application form and return it to Tracey Keefe in the Department of Economic History. Interested students are encouraged to apply early in the academic year, but applications will be considered throughout the year in response to opportunities and needs that may arise at shorter notice.  Applications must be with the department at least four weeks before the proposed date of travel.

Decisions will normally be made within three weeks of an applicant submitting an application form.

Department of Anthropology

Alfred Gell Studentship

This award is for an outstanding PhD student who has completed their fieldwork in the previous academic session. The value is up to £10000 and is not renewable. The Studentship is selected on the basis of merit and financial need, and is not available to students holding ESRC studentships or other studentships of a similar value. 

Malinowski Memorial Grants

Grants from the Malinowski Memorial Fund are given every year to post-fieldwork students registered for the PhD in the Department of Anthropology. The maximum award is £1000. The awards are made in honour of Bronislaw Malinowski, one of the founding fathers of modern social anthropology, who taught at the LSE for many years. 

Rosemary and Raymond Firth Award

Selected on the basis of merit and financial need, the objective of this award is to commemorate Rosemary Firth's interest in the anthropology of household management and domestic affairs, although work upon related anthropological themes may also be supported. Applications are accepted from registered post-fieldwork PhD students in the department and from those who have submitted their doctoral dissertations within the previous 12 months. The award has a value of up to £3000 and is not renewable. 

The Department will circulate an application form and additional information annually to eligible continuing research students in April / May.

Selection for the awards takes place at the end of the Summer Term

Partnership PhD Mobility Bursaries

Partnership PhD Mobility Bursaries offer PhD students the opportunity to spend some time at one of LSE's partner institutitions.

More information about the Partnership PhD Mobility Bursaries