Data Collection Fund

LSE's Data Collection Fund is available for those in receipt of LSE PhD studentships to assist with costs related to data collection.



The Data Collection Fund is open to those that meet the following criteria:

  • holds one of the following studentships:
    LSE PhD Studentship
    LSE PhD Studentship on 'Analysing and Challenging Inequalities'
    LSE PhD Studentship in Data Science
  • within the PhD period of your funding
  • studying full-time
  • data collection was included in the original research proposal (if not, then your supervisor will need to make a strong case for undertaking the data collection)
  • approval for the travel has been given by the PhD Academy and the LSE Health and Safety team (if the location is away from LSE)

About the Data Collection Fund

You can apply to the Data Collection Fund to contribute to costs for: 

  • overseas travel expenses for the purpose of data collection
  • UK based field and archival work
  • acquisition of data sets for experimental and laboratory based research
  • renumeration for participants
  • research assistance e.g. translating language/data
  • additional subsistence costs not covered by the LSE studentship stipend, including accommodation if you cannot vacate your campus based accommodation for the period of data collection

Please be aware that the available budget has to be managed to support as many students as possible, therefore you may not be awarded the full amount applied for. 

Application process

Data Collection Fund application form

Completed applications should be emailed to at least two months before undertaking the data collection. 

Provided we have all the required information, you will normally receive a decision by email within ten working days.