In-course financial support for final stage PhD students

In-course financial support may be available for students in the final year of their PhD

Registered PhD students in their final writing up stages can apply for financial support from LSE. This is particularly relevant if you have been funded for only the first three years of your PhD and are close to finishing but cannot quite reach the point of submission due to financial difficulties. We would not expect anyone already supported for their fourth year to apply (eg LSE Studentship Awardees).  The purpose of this scheme is to enable you to submit within the normal maximum period of registration. 

The awards offered under this scheme vary in size and depend on each applicant’s situation. Other income from any part time employment or teaching will be expected and taken into account. 

MRes or MPhil level students, or PhD students who have knowingly registered under-funded at the start of their research programme cannot be considered for this funding.  

Please note that students who have already submitted their thesis and are awaiting their viva are not eligible.

How to apply

This funding is assessed using the PhD Final Year Fund form (PDF). This application form can be completed electronically and submitted by email.

Awards are made throughout the academic session; there is no fixed deadline to apply.

Your academic supervisor(s) will be asked to support you application and to confirm your expected date of submission.

Once you have submitted the completed application form with any relevant supporting documentation you should expect to receive a decision within ten working days.