An official recording of your ceremony is available on Digital download which includes full coverage.
Also available are Personalised Clips of individual graduates on stage.
To order, please use one of the following options:
If you have any queries about filming and/or media, please email
Please note that each graduation ceremony is filmed by My Graduation Film Service, who provide live streaming, individual clips for you to share with family and friends and other products. If you decide to use the My Graduation Film Service your personal details will be held by My Graduation Film on their systems and may be passed to other third parties companies as required by My Graduation Film in order to deliver the service. We strongly suggest you read My Graduation Film’s privacy policy, here: and their terms and conditions here: signing up to ensure that you are content to do so.
For the avoidance of doubt, LSE accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage caused to you, your property (computer based or otherwise), software or data caused as a result of using this service. However, if at any point after signing up, you find any unwelcome or strange activity occurring in your email account, or notice any suspected unauthorised usage of your data that you have provided to My Graduation Film, then please report this immediately to