Joanne Kalogeras

Joanne Kalogeras

Student Adviser, LSE LIFE

Academic and Professional Development

Key Expertise

About me

After a career in software development, I received my MSc and then PhD from LSE’s Gender Institute under the supervision of Professors Anne Phillips and Clare Hemmings. My doctoral thesis, entitled “Troubling Cosmopolitanism”, develops a critical cosmopolitan theory that relies on an intersubjective approach. My research involves integrating the normative moral philosophy and political theory theories with more critical approaches from feminist, gender, queer, and postcolonial theorists on cosmopolitanism’s primary components: autonomy, universality, and anti-nationalism. It is highly interdisciplinary, which is a perspective I bring to all my teaching and my student advising at LSE Life. I have taught several courses in LSE’s Sociology Department, LSE Groups, and at the University of Westminster and King’s College London. My work is informed by many years of LGBTQI, feminism, and disability rights activism.