
What is Quant4Qual?

Quant4Qual is a unique opportunity for peer learnings within the undergraduate community. The aim of the Quant4Qual project is twofold. First, Quant4Qual aims to ignite an interest in the theory and practice of empirical research within the qualitative student body at LSE. Second, the course also offers an opportunity for quantitative students to gain valuable teaching experience that can be transferred into careers in academia. Ultimately, the aim is to foster deeper and more sustained connections between students across the departments in the undergraduate community.

Quant4Qual is student-led

All of the development and delivery of the Quant 4 Qual lectures is conducted by undergraduate students. LSE LIFE provides the space and some administrative support.

Quant4Qual’s mission

Our mission stems from a recognition that students studying qualitative courses dislike the strict dichotomy between the teachings of quantitative or qualitative approaches to research, when both are necessary for a better appreciate and enjoyment of the insights the social sciences have to offer.

Style of teaching

Participants will learn of some of the most common tools and techniques used to answer causal ‘what if’ questions. The key themes analysed in the Quant4Qual course are Sample and Population, Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, and T Distributions. Throughout the course there will be a strong emphasis on interpreting findings from actual studies and discussing the broader social and philosophical implications of such studies.

A teaching example

Students were asked to imagine themselves on an 18th century British naval ship with an outbreak of scurvy amongst the crew and then asked ‘what type of experiment can be conducted to find the cause of the outbreak?’ This was the real world question facing the naval surgeon James Lind whilst on expedition in the middle of the ocean. The student lecturer then traced the methodological steps taken by James Lind to explore the concepts and importance of sample and population. The purpose of this rich and contextualized teaching method is to present the content in a way that makes it maximally accessible to students.