Dr Jessica Templeton

Dr Jessica Templeton

Director, LSE100


020 7107 5152
Room No
Office Hours
Wednesdays 9-10am and by appointment
Connect with me

Key Expertise
Government, International Relations, Sustainability, Interdisciplinary

About me

Dr Jessica Templeton is a political scientist and award-winning educator who has worked with LSE100 since its inception in 2010. With expertise in global environmental politics and regulation of hazardous chemicals, Jessica is also a writer, editor and team leader for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, a nonpartisan publication of the International Institute for Sustainable Development that analyses multilateral environmental negotiations conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.


Expertise Details

Sustainability; Global Environmental Politics; Global Environmental Governance; Science and Policy; Chemicals; Agriculture; Interdisciplinary Education


2018 LSE Excellence in Education Award

LSE Sustainability 2018 Environmental Hero

Named as one of LSE's Leading Women

2017 LSE Excellence in Education Award


Selected Publications

Allan, Jennifer Iris, David Downie and Jessica Templeton. 2018. “Experimenting with TripleCOPs: Productive innovation or counterproductive complexity?” International Environmental Agreements, Vol 18, 557–572. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10784-018-9404-2

Templeton, Jessica and Pia Kohler. 2014. “Implementation and Compliance Under the Minamata Convention on Mercury.” Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, Vol 23:2, 211-220.

Downie, David and Jessica Templeton. 2013. “Persistent Organic Pollutants” in The Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Paul G. Harris, ed., Routledge, New York