The structure and duration of the studentship offered will depend on a candidate's previous academic experience, and social research training & experience.
The LSE DTP funds a number of different types of awards to reflect the different models which work for particular disciplines. These include funds for 1+3.5, 2+2.5 and +3.5 studentships. The minimum duration of an award would be 3.5+ years which covers a PhD and the three month placement. Types of awards funded include:
1+3.5 scheme
The 1+3.5 scheme provides funding for a one year research training master's linked to a 4 year PhD (of which the first 3.5 years are ESRC funded) and is designed for students who have not already completed an ESRC recognised programme of research training. This can be an MSc (Research) programme or a one year MRes.
2+2.5 scheme
The 2+2.5 scheme provides funding for programmes which consist of a 2 year MRes programme followed by a 4 year MPhil/PhD (of which the first 2.5 years are ESRC funded).
+3.5 scheme
The +3.5 scheme provides funding for a 4 year MPhil/PhD (of which 3.5 years are ESRC funded).
Both the ESRC and LSE are committed to widening participation to postgraduate study. A masters is not a prerequisite for studying at the LSE DTP. A range of training programmes are available based on an assessment of the applicant’s prior learning and training needs.