Award Types (2024-2029 offer holders)


What awards are offered by LSE's ESRC DTP?

The LSE ESRC DTP is accredited by the Economic Social and Research Council (ESRC) to fund a range of social sciences PhD studentships, including awards for Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM), Data Skills (DS) and collaborative studentships.

At LSE studentship applications are not made directly to the DTP. Applications are made to LSE Graduate Admissions.  Departments with a ESRC accredited Research Environment will then assess applications for nomination to the LSE ESRC DTP.

Award Types

The structure and duration of the studentship offered will depend on a candidate's previous academic experience, and social research training & experience. 

The LSE DTP funds a number of different types of awards to reflect the different models which work for particular disciplines. These include funds for 1+3.5, 2+2.5 and +3.5 studentships. The minimum duration of an award would be 3.5+ years which covers a PhD and the three month placement. Types of awards funded include: 

1+3.5 scheme

The 1+3.5 scheme provides funding for a one year research training master's linked to a 4 year PhD (of which the first 3.5 years are ESRC funded) and is designed for students who have not already completed an ESRC recognised programme of research training. This can be an MSc (Research) programme or a one year MRes.

2+2.5 scheme

The 2+2.5 scheme provides funding for programmes which consist of a 2 year MRes programme followed by a 4 year MPhil/PhD (of which the first 2.5 years are ESRC funded).

+3.5 scheme

The +3.5 scheme provides funding for a 4 year MPhil/PhD (of which 3.5 years are ESRC funded).

Both the ESRC and LSE are committed to widening participation to postgraduate study. A masters is not a prerequisite for studying at the LSE DTP. A range of training programmes are available based on an assessment of the applicant’s prior learning and training needs.

Part-time Study

ESRC funding covers both full and part time study. We can discuss options with you if you are interested in applying. 

LSE also offers a generous package of studentships in order to offer as many students as possible the opportunity to study with us. Please see details at LSE PhD Studentships for further information.  

Research in Practice

Research in Practice is, from October 2024, a core part of the PhD for all new ESRC studentship recipients at LSE. The programme supports students to develop broader skills during their doctorate and give opportunities for students to apply their methodological training to new contexts.

The ESRC expects students to complete three months of placement activity as a condition of their funding. Placements provide students with an opportunity to further develop their research and transferable skills in either an academic or non-academic environment and the time to complete the placement is included in the studentship duration. Funding will be reduced by 3 months if the student does not include a placement during their PhD.

More information is available on our Research in Practice webpage here.