I'm feeling suicidal or need emergency help

Always call 999 if you need help straight away.

If you’re having suicidal thoughts or are experiencing a serious mental health crisis, there is support available. This page will help you look after yourself and find someone to talk to. 

What to do in a crisis 

If you’re worried you might harm yourself or others (for example, if you have thoughts of ending your life and are worried that you may act on these thoughts) or that somebody else is at immediate risk, then this is a crisis. Please either dial 999 or go directly to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department of your local hospital to get urgent help.    

999 emergency services will decide what help you need - just explain your situation and they will decide what kind of help is best. 

The nearest A&E department to LSE is UCLH on Euston Road (view map). If you are away from LSE, you can search for your nearest UK A&E service online via the NHS. 

Always call 999 to request an ambulance if you are unable to reach the hospital yourself. If you are outside the UK, please dial the local emergency services number.  

Find someone to talk to 

Many adults experience suicidal feelings at some point in their lives, but it’s important to remember that those feelings usually arise in response to specific events or temporary situations and will pass.

If you’re having thoughts about wanting to die, it’s important you tell someone. 

There is no wrong or right way to talk about suicidal feelings – starting the conversation is what is important.  

You may want to talk to a friend, family member, a colleague, a staff member in your department or hall of residence, LSE Student Wellbeing Service, your GP, or an external organisation dedicated to supporting people experiencing suicidal feelings. Further information on these sources of support is available below. Support is available right now, and it is easy to access. 

It is important to remember that people care and will want to help

Talking to someone in Student Wellbeing Services

Our team can help you identify and access therapeutic and/or medical support, suggest adjustments to study and agree a safety plan with you. A safety plan is a personalised plan to support you step by step during periods when you're feeling suicidal. 

  • LSE’s Mental Health Advisers, who can help you put together a safety plan  
  • For some students, psychological support such as talking therapies can help manage suicidal thoughts. Contact a Wellbeing Adviser to find out about counselling. 

Please note that the Student Wellbeing Service does not provide crisis support or out of hours support. 

Evening and weekend support over the phone and online

All LSE students have access to a 24/7 helpline, Spectrum Life, which will put you in touch with a clinically trained counsellor or psychotherapist.

  • Freephone: 0808 189 01 03
  • SMS/WhatsApp: 00353 873690010

You can talk to them about anything, including suicidal thoughts, stress, anxiety, low mood, financial worries, loss and grief, relationship problems, and substance abuse issues. 

Talk to a helpline or support service outside LSE

Your GP is the first point of contact for any issues affecting your physical and mental health, including suicidal thoughts. They can assess you and refer you to further specialist support and talking therapies and can prescribe medication.  

If your GP surgery isn't open or if you're not registered at a GP surgery, call the free NHS out-of-hours medical line on 111 and they will help you access the right services in your area. 

Here is some information about free services that a can help you right now:  

Looking after yourself

Here are some strategies to help:

  • You can save trusted contact numbers in your phone.
  • Download the “Stay alive” app,  which has stay safe plans. 
  • You can call a helpline for support - many of these are open 24 hours a day  
  • Try and avoid using drugs and alcohol  
  • Stay around friends and family or go to a safe place and call them 
  • Try and distract yourself and take your mind off your thoughts by doing things you enjoy such as watching a favourite TV show, listening to music, exercising or reading. 

Please remember if you are having a crisis, you should look for immediate support through 999 or the Accident and Emergency department of your nearest hospital. 

Get support for your mental health and wellbeing throughout your time at LSE

Two students talking outside