Important information on Undergraduate timetable course clashes
A timetable clash occurs when two or more of the courses you have chosen have teaching (lectures, seminars, classes or workshops/help sessions) scheduled at the same time (regardless if it is on campus or online).
Every effort is made by the School to avoid clashes between compulsory and optional courses however due to the number of optional courses available on some programmes it is not always possible.
Personal timetable will be published during the week before Autumn Term begins. Students who have enrolled/re-enrolled for this academic year and made all their course selections in LSE for You but cannot view a personal timetable or can see a partial timetable are likely to have a timetable clash. More information can be found here on personal timetable publication dates.
How to check if I have a clash?
Step 1: Check in LSE for You (LFY)
Check the student timetable clashes screen in LSE for You. Please note this screen only shows simple clashes that are not complex in nature and it is advisable that you also use the full timetable by following this link to check all of your course timings to check for clashes.
Step 2: Get Advice from Academic Mentor
A) You are advised to change one of your options to another course that does not clash. For further help and advice with your course selections please speak to your Academic Mentor. Once new course(s) has been chosen (and approved if its an unlisted course) you should see this update onto your personal timetable within 48 hours - as long as this new course selection is clash free.
B) If the clash involves a language degree option course it may be possible to resolve the clash. Students are advised to consult with the appropriate language co-ordinator.
Step 3: Clash approval in exceptional circumstances
In exceptional circumstances students may be allowed to take clashing courses. The clash should be discussed with your Departmental Tutor, to ensure you understand the risks of taking clashing courses. If your Departmental Tutor approves your clashing courses, they will notify Timetables. Timetables will then update your personal timetable, which can take 3 / 5 working days to process.
Please note a timetable clash cannot be used as evidence of exceptional circumstances.
Still need help?
For further help and advice with your course selection please speak to your Academic Mentor.