
One of the main aims of the Future Ways of Working project is to create a campus work environment which suits our working needs and communities. We are moving towards a shared campus environment where facilities, equipment and spaces belong to everyone.

Our goals for enhancing technology across LSE

  • Supporting blended working through technology
  • Facilitating hybrid meetings
  • Providing staff with new laptops and docking stations
  • Encouraging sustainability through online collaboration tools
  • Introducing desk booking software
  • Improving data and records management
  • Providing secure access to your work, no matter where you are

Some of the main benefits of the technology strand of the project include:

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Hybrid meetings

By embracing online technology and audio/visual skills, we can help all staff to feel included and empowered in meetings, no matter where they're working from.

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A provided laptop

We are providing staff who need one with their own laptop. This means you can take your desktop anywhere and can work more flexibly in a way which suits you.

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New desk booking software

Desk booking software means you can choose where you want to work anywhere across LSE. This gives you the opportunity to choose the perfect workspace and helps you plan how to get your team together in advance.

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New docking stations

Once they're set up, you'll be able to plug your laptop into any docking station and work flexibly across our School. This means you won't have to learn new workspace set ups and you'll be connected faster than ever.

Key resources for technology at LSE

Remote Desktop and VPN
Working from home guidance
IT freebies
Educational discounts
Staying safe remotely
Working from home and your wellbeing
Recommended Audio Visual devices
Online guides and FAQs
How to use SharePoint
List of online collaborative tools