Consumer information for US Federal Loans

Schools that participate in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, commonly referred to as “Title IV”, “Financial Aid” or Federal Aid are required to disclose consumer information. Please contact the Customer Support Team if you require further information 


Academic information

Please refer to the Schools programme catalogue for current degree programmes.

Please note that the LSE admits regular students who:

  • Have a secondary school completion credential or
  • Have a recognised equivalent of a secondary school completion credential.

Please see our country page for the United States of America for further details

Applying for Federal Aid & Award amount determination 

Please refer to our U.S. Federal loans page for full details on how to apply for Federal Aid.

For award amount determination please refer to our Federal Student Aid Guidance handbook. 

Academic discipline and academic misconduct 

For further information please refer to the school's webpage on assessment discipline and academic misconduct. 

Authorisation to release financial and academic records 

In accordance with Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (20.U.S.C.1232G), the 'LSE' are prohibited from releasing information concerning a student’s records without the consent of the student.

This includes a student’s financial aid status, academic records, charges due or incurred. Therefore, if you would like for the 'LSE' to discuss your financial or academic records with persons or agencies who are not covered under this law, you will need to specifically authorise release of your information. The student will need to complete the “Authorization to Release Financial Information” form, please refer to the U.S Federal Loans page for further details.  

Code of Conduct 

In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with respect to private education loans, staff at the School with responsibility for Federal and Private Education Loans from the United States are prohibited from the following:

  • Revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender
  • Receiving gifts from a lender, a guarantor, or a loan servicer
  • Contracting arrangements providing financial benefit from any lender or affiliate of a lender
  • Directing borrowers to particular lenders, or refusing or delaying loan certifications
  • Offers of funds for private loans
  • Call centre or financial aid office staffing assistance
  • Advisory board compensation.

Private Loans: For further information please refer to the schools Private Loans webpage


Completion/graduation/placement and transfer out rates

Information on the School's completion and transfer ­out rates is available from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). The School's non-completion rates can also be found on the HESA website.

Graduate destinations can be found here and here 

Copyrighted materials 

Information about copyright material can be found here

Cost of attendance

Tuition fees costs vary according to the degree programme, the cost of tuition is available on the School's website.  

Further information on living costs can be found here 

For detailed information on the allowable costs for Federal Loans, please refer to the LSE's Federal Aid Guide.

 Monthly costsPer week (max)
 Housing (Includes rent/bill  £350 
 Food and utilities   £120
 Travel in London  £40
 Personal expenses   £60
Yearly costs
 Yearly costs Max 
 Tuition fees                       See table of fees 
 Flights (2 return per year)  £2600
 Visa cost  £363
 PC  £999

Default Management Plan

Default Management Plan for Title IV Federal Aid can be downloaded via the link below.

Default Management Plan 

Degree programmes and admissions policies

A full list of degree programmes offered at all study levels can be found on the School's website . The programme structure and courses for each programme are listed within the degree information under 'Programme structures and Courses' tab.

Further information on:

  • Entry requirements
  • Fees and funding
  • Information for International students
  • Programme Structure
  • Teaching and assessment

Drug and alcohol abuse prevention

The School is committed to upholding the highest standards of health and safety for the protection of our Students’ mental and physical wellbeing, and creating an environment where Students can thrive and achieve their educational goals

Objective: This policy aims to protect Students from the dangers of drug, psychoactive substances and alcohol misuse and to encourage those who have or may have a drug or alcohol problem or are at risk of addiction to seek help. Please refer to the Student drugs and alcohol policy for further details.

Disability services and facilities 

Please refer to the Schools Disability and Wellbeing webpage for full details on services offered by the school. 

Education materials 

Schools participating in the Title IV programme are required to provide information published by the U.S. Department of Education, please refer to their website for full details. 

Entrance and exit counselling

Federal Regulations require that all first time borrowers complete entrance counselling via Further details on entrance and exit counselling can be found here.

We require that all Federal Loan recipients complete exit counselling, you can access a copy of the U.S. department of Education Guide here

Please see Section 10 of the LSE's Federal Aid Guide for further information.


Equality, diversity and Inclusion

LSE is committed to building a diverse, equitable and truly inclusive university, please click here for further details. 

Gainful Employment

LSE does not provide loans for Gainful Employment(GE) programmes. 

Eligibility by programmes type

Please refer to Section 5 of the Schools Federal Aid Guide.

Eligible programmes
 Programme type                                                Eligible for Title IV Aid*       
 Diplomas Ineligible 
 Undergraduate degree programmes Eligible^ 
Taught graduate degree programmes Eligible^ 
Executive Masters degree programmes  Eligible^ 
Online Executive certificate programmes Ineligible 
On campus open programmes Ineligible 
Online Certificate programmes Ineligible 
Summer Schools  Ineligible
Study Abroad - General Course  Ineligible 
Inbound GO LSE students  Ineligible 
Outbound GO LSE students Ineligible 
Outbound GO LSE PhD Exchange programme (2-3 months) Eligible^ 

^Written arrangements: 34 CFR 600.52 and 600.54

An ineligible foreign institution may offer no more than 25% of the home(LSE) institutions programme. 

An eligible host institution in the United States may offer up to 25% of the home institutions (LSE) programme. Note: An individual student is permitted to perform independent research in the United States for not more than one academic year, is permitted if that research is conducted during the dissertation phase of a doctoral programme under the guidance of faculty and the research performed only in a facility in the United States. The home institution is not required to establish a written arrangement with the host institution in this circumstance. 

^Internships/Externships: 34 CFR 668.5(h)(2);

The internship or externship portion of a program if the internship or externship is governed by accrediting agency standards, or, in the case of an eligible foreign institution, the standards of an outside oversight entity, such as an accrediting agency or government entity, that require the oversight and supervision of the institution, where the institution is responsible for the internship or externship and students are monitored by qualified institutional personnel. 

The host institution may offer up to 25% of the home institutions (LSE) programme

Double Degrees:

Double Degrees  Eligible for Title IV Aid 
MSc in Global Media and Communications (with University of Southern California  Not eligible 
MSc in Global Media and Communications (with Fudan) Not eligible 
MSc in Global Media and Communications (with University of Cape Town Title IV school code G10084 Eligible 
LSE-Fudan Double Masters in the Global Political Economy of China and Europe Not eligible 
LSE-Fudan Double Masters in International Social and Public Policy Not eligible 
MPA with Columbia & Toronto Title IV school code G06688
Only the University of Toronto track is eligible 
LSE-Leipzig Double Degree in Global Studies and Economic History ( 2nd year at LSE) Title IV school code G38183 Eligible 
LSE/Columbia Double Degree in European Politics, Conflict and Culture (2nd year at LSE) Not eligible 
MPA with Sciences Po (2nd year at LSE) INST D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS Title IV school code G10599 Eligible 
LSE/LSHTM joint Health Policy Not eligible 
Sciences Po-LSE Double Degree in Affaires Internationales and International Relations / International Political Economy: MSc in International Political Economy or MSc in International Relations. School INST D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS Title IV school code G10599 Eligible 
LSE-NUS Double MSc in Asian and International History Not eligible 
LSE-PKU Double MSc in Environmental Policy, Technology and Health: MSc in Environment & Development MSc in Environmental Economics & Climate Change  MSc in Environmental Policy & Regulation Not eligible 
LSE-Bocconi Double Masters in European and International Public Policy and Politics (UNIVERSITA COMMERCIALE L BOCCONI Title IV school code G30787 Eligible 
LSE-Sciences Po Double Masters in European Studies: MSc in European and International Public Policy or MSc in Culture and Conflict in a Global Europe or MSc in International Migration and Public Policy or MSc in Political Economy of Europe     INST D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS Title IV school code G10599 Eligible 
LSE-PKU Double MSc in International Affairs Not eligible 
LSE-Columbia Double MSc in International and World History (2nd year @ LSE) Not eligible 
LSE-Sciences Po Double Degree in the Political Economy of Development INST D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS Title IV school code G10599 Eligible 
LSE-Sciences Po Double MSc in Urban Policy: MSc in Local Economic Development or MSc in Regional and Urban Planning Studies or MSc Urbanisation and Development     INST D'ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS Title IV school code G10599 Eligible 
Dual Master of Public Administration (MPA) Only LSE track eligible 
Double Degree in Global Cities, Communication and Culture with New York University (NYU) Note that this is a provisional programme title and is subject to change. (New York University Title IV school code 002785) Not eligible


Mature student provision

USA Federal Regulations state that you must have a secondary school completion credential (high school diploma) or the recognised equivalent of a secondary school completion credential to be eligible to receive Federal Student Aid. 

LSE does not have a Mature Student Admissions provision policy.


Intentionally misreporting information on financial aid application materials is a violation of law, subject to fine and/or imprisonment. A student should be aware that s/he will be held responsible for the integrity of any financial aid information submitted either by the student or on his/her behalf.

Applying for and receiving federal aid funds requires that a student (and parents, if necessary) complete and submit various documents. The integrity of these documents and the accuracy of the information presented through them are critical to the financial aid application process. While the Fees, Income and Credit Control team has systems in place to identify and resolve discrepancies in the information it receives, in the case where information and/or documentation intentionally misrepresents a student’s financial need, federal, state, and institutional offices and agencies are defrauded.

If there has been intentional misrepresentation, the student will be referred disciplinary action as outlined in the Disciplinary Procedure for Students .

The LSE will also refer all credible cases of suspected misrepresentation and fraud to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General, in compliance with federal requirements. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, the consequences may include, but are not limited to, making full restitution of loans for which the student is not entitled, withholding of future disbursements until the matter is resolved, and obligation to pay the resulting balance on the student account. Cases involving omission are not referred to the Department of Education. However, any ineligible funds received must be returned, and the student will be responsible for the balance on the student account.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

If you borrow Federal loans we will submit details of your loan and enrolment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).  

Under strict regulations we are required to confirm your enrolment status every 60 days therefore please inform us immediately should you wish to change, interrupt or withdraw from your course.

This data will be accessible by guarantee agencies, lenders and schools determined to be authorised users of the data system.

Private Loans

The school does not have a preferred Lenders List but will, where possible, we will work with whichever private lender a prospective borrower decides to use. Students should be aware that the majority of private lenders choose not to offer loans when borrowers are studying outside the USA.

You are strongly advised to investigate U.S. Federal Loans before applying for a private student loan, as most American students are eligible for them. Note: Private student loans will be included in your total cost of attendance and are subject to credit checks. For further information on Private Loans, please refer to the school's Private Loans Guide.

Study abroad, placements and internships

Written arrangements: 34 CFR 600.52 and 600.54

 An ineligible foreign institution may offer no more than 25% of the home(LSE) institutions programme. 

An eligible host institution in the United States may offer up to 25% of the home institutions (LSE) programme. 

Internships/Externships: 34 CFR 668.5(h)(2);

The internship or externship portion of a program if the internship or externship is governed by accrediting agency standards, or, in the case of an eligible foreign institution, the standards of an outside oversight entity, such as an accrediting agency or government entity, that require the oversight and supervision of the institution, where the institution is responsible for the internship or externship and students are monitored by qualified institutional personnel. 

The host institution may offer up to 25% of the home institutions (LSE) programme 

Further information about Study Abroad can be found here  please carefully review the eligibility by Programme Type for clarification on Title IV eligible programmes.

Programme Details Is this an Internship
Global Master’s in Management:  Following Year 1, the summer vacation offers time to undertake an internship. Although not compulsory, it is strongly encouraged to help apply learning and gain practical experience. Y
Second year core compulsory course: GMiM Capstone Course - Management in Action (including Business Project)  Students apply the theoretical knowledge and business management skills gained in the first year by working on a business project with an external client. Y
Master’s in Management: An international study trip incorporating company visits and teamwork, plus practical projects working with a cross-cultural team of peers.  N
MSc Human Resources and Organisations: HRO students doing the Links Project, which means they work closely with some external partners to do a consultancy project in pairs, The Links project is something the students need to apply for. N
MSc Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Core courses will also include an international field research trip with an NGO. N

Repaying student loans

The Federal Student Aid guide ' Repaying your Loans' provides information about federal student loan repayment plan options, finding loan history and loan servicers, and making payments.


Please refer to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for further details.

Refund Policy

The School has an institutional Compensation and Refund Policy for all students who have officially enrolled at the school. Please note that there is a different process for Federal loans calculations and refunds. 

The amount of Title IV funds due for return as a result of a withdrawal is calculated independently of the tuition fee liability charged by the school. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges, or may indeed be entitled to a refund in accordance with the Return of Federal Aid Policy. The school may also attempt to collect from the students any Title IV funding that the school is required to return to the U.S. Department of Education.

Return of Title IV funds Policy (RT24)

The Return of Title IV funds Policy Policy outlines the requirements and responsibilities of the London School of Economics and Political Science (“LSE”) and the student (“student”) in receipt of Federal Aid. When a student ceases attendance prior to the planned ending date, the student may not be eligible for the full amount of Federal Aid funds the student was scheduled to receive.

Safeguarding Policy

Please refer to the school's Safeguarding Policy for further details. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress 

The LSE is required to make sure that all students receiving U.S. financial aid are registered on an eligible programme of study and maintaining a minimum level of academic progress.

U.S. Federal regulations (34CFR 668.16, 668.32, 668.34, 446.42) require that all students, who are in receipt of U.S. Federal Student Aid, must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Failure to do so can result in the loss of eligibility to receive further funding.

Please refer to the schools Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for further details.



Student support and welfare 

The school provides a range of support services for students, including health and wellbeing advice, support for international students, and disability support. Further information can be accessed via our Student Life webpage

Textbook information

Information about any required and recommended textbooks for your programme will be provided to you by your department.

Types of Loan & aggregate loan limits 

Types of loans
 Subsidized For undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by federal regulations. No interest is charged while the student is in school at least half-time, during the grace period, and during any deferment periods. 
 Unsubsidized  For undergraduate and graduate students and not based on financial need. Interest is charged in all periods.
 Parent PLUS  For undergraduate students' parents; up to the value of the Cost of Attendance, less any Expected Financial Aid. Subject to credit checks. Interested is charged in all periods.
 Graduate PLUS  For graduate course students; up to the value of the Cost of Attendance, less any Expected Financial Aid. Subject to credit checks. Interest is charged in all periods.

Veterans Affairs 

The LSE is registered with the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), for further information please click here

Withdrawing from your programme 

Please contact if you have borrowed a Federal Loan and are considering withdrawing. For further details on how to withdraw please click here.