Seeking ethical advice and reporting concerns

Ethical advice

It would be impossible to devise a single set of rules that could be used to resolve every ethical dilemma. Each of us has a personal responsibility to ensure that our conduct is in line with the Ethics Code, and sets an exemplary standard of conduct that would be considered best practice within the Higher Education sector.

The Ethics Code should guide the exercise of judgement in individual cases. You should follow the three simple steps to identify and resolve the ethical implications of individual decisions and actions:

  • Consider whether what you plan to do is compatible with the principles in the Ethics Code.
  • Ask yourself how you would explain your actions if you had to justify them to close friends and family, or if they were on the front page of a newspaper. What would be the impact on your reputation, or that of the School? How would you feel about asking someone else to do what you are proposing to do?
  • Seek advice from an appropriate person, such as a colleague or line manager or one of the School committees tasked with handling ethical matters.

Where possible, keep a record of your decision making and the rationale behind it.

If you need advice on the possible ethical implications of a decision and/or are unclear whether or not you should proceed having taken the steps above, or if you would like to raise an ethical concern or breach of the Ethics Code please contact the Ethics Manager

Reporting concerns

The School encourages everyone who has a genuine concern to ‘speak up’ and raise the matter so that it can be addressed. There are several ways this can be done. You may wish to raise the matter with your tutor, line manager, supervisor, Departmental Manager, Head of Department or Head of Division. 

To support individuals to raise concerns the School has set up the following ways these can be reported:

Report + Support

Harassment and bullying should not be tolerated. LSE’s inclusive working and social environment is all of our responsibility and it’s vital we encourage, support and behave appropriately to one another. Report + Support is the School’s anti-bullying and harassment campaign provides a confidential reporting form for use by staff, students and governors to be able to report bullying and harassment. 

The School has published data on reports of bullying and harassment for previous years:

Annual Report 2022/23 (PDF).

Annual Report 2023/24 (PDF)


The School’s Whistleblowing Policy (PDF) confirms our commitment to ensuring the School has an open culture where individuals are supported to raise concerns. The policy reinforces this by stating that we encourage the reporting of any genuine concerns of wrongdoing and that the School is committed to ensuring that individuals are not adversely affected as a result of reporting such wrongdoing.

The School has appointed a whistleblowing organisation, EQS, to provide a free, anonymous and confidential service for all members of the School community to be able to raise any concerns about unethical or illegal practices. Whilst such incidents are rare, we understand that it might be difficult for you to raise concerns about possible theft, fraud, malpractice or harassment and this service will make it easier for you to speak up.

EQS’s Integrity Line allows you to make a confidential report online from any device.   If you wish to report your concerns anonymously without leaving your name, you will be given a unique code number to be able to provide more information when necessary or to get feedback on how the query has been handled. 

As per the School policy your concern will be directed to the School Secretary.  Alternatively, reports may be directed to the Pro-Director for faculty Development or the Chair of the Audit Committee.   

To access Integrity line go to

If you have any queries about this service, please contact the Ethics Manager.  

LSE has also subscribed to the Protect helpline, offered by the national whistleblowing charity.  As an independent advice service, Protect offers expert and confidential advice on how best to raise your concern and your protection as a whistleblower. You can ring Protect on 020 3117 2520 or fill out the contact form on their website: Contact our Advice Line - Protect - Speak up stop harm (


Research Integrity or Research Misconduct

Research integrity: requests for information or general queries should be directed in the first instance to the Research Governance manager Lyn Grove.

Research misconduct: in accordance with the LSE Code of Research Conduct, allegations of research misconduct should be directed to the School Secretary, Louise Nadal, via

Further information can be found on the Research Integrity at LSE page.


Responding to concerns

The following guidance has been developed for anyone to whom a concern has been raised.  The guidance sets out the policies that are in place to address issues that can arise: How to Respond if a Concern is Reported to You (PDF).

There is also more specific guidance for staff on handling disclosures of sexual violence, harassment and abuse (PDF).