Akari Curriculum Management FAQs

February 2025


Will people still be able to access CAPIS after 26 September 2024?

Yes, but only with ‘view only’ access. All new course proposals for 2025/26 and future years will need to be raised through Akari.

Is all course information being transferred from CAPIS to Akari?

See the "Data held in Akari" section below.

Akari rollout timeline

When will Akari be rolled out to all departments, schools and institutes?

We have created a visual timeline for the project

All new course and programme proposals for 2025/26 (optional courses) and 2026/27 (programmes and compulsory / core courses) have been submitted through Akari since September 2024. 

From February 2025, the annual course guide review will take place in Akari, with a deadline of 6 May. All departments will be offered training shortly after the system goes live, and you can also view our online guidance.

A third phase of the project is due to be rolled out in June 2025, in which users will be able to see reports in Akari, and it will be linked up to other relevant systems in the School. 

In its fourth phase, due to be completed in September 2025, Akari will be integrated with other systems such as SITS, CMIS and the LSE website. 

If you need guidance in using Akari, please contact the TQARO team on tqaro@lse.ac.uk.

Data held in Akari

Will Akari contain any new fields of information beyond what has been held in CAPIS? If so, how will these be populated?

Yes. Many of the course data points in Akari will contain the same information as CAPIS; however, new data points have also been added. Some of the data points may look different to how they were previously displayed in CAPIS. 


Departments will be asked to review their data in Akari and populate new data points where needed in Winter Term 2025 once the data migration process is complete. Not all new data points will be mandatory, so others can be completed over a longer period where relevant/useful. 


If you have any questions on specific data points you can see TQARO’s guide to completing the Annual Course Guide Review, or contact tqaro@lse.ac.uk if this doesn’t address your queries. 


Which fields in Akari will appear in course guides and which fields won't?


Please see a guide to the fields which can be edited in Akari and will appear on course guides.


Departments were previously able to create and maintain course data in CAPIS, but what about programmes? Will programme data also be captured in Akari?


Akari will now hold all curriculum management information for programmes as well as courses. Previously, new programme information was captured via a Word Document, and programme regulations were maintained separately by TQARO. All programme data points will now be in Akari, and no Word Document proposals will be used. 


I’ve heard LSE assessment terminology will also be changing?


This is correct. In 2023, LSE Education Committee approved a change to assessment terminology, with the aim of moving towards implementing standard assessment terminology throughout the School. This new terminology is reflected in the Akari system to further embed the School’s strategic objectives. 



Reviewing the mapped assessment terminology in Akari is required as part of the Annual Course Guide Review completed during 2024/25 for 2025/26 course information. 


Getting to know Akari

How do new users get access to Akari? How do I make sure they have editing rights to the relevant courses and programmes in our department?

New users should send an email to the DTS Service Desk (tech.support@lse.ac.uk) to request access to Akari, copying in your line manager.  DTS will then create an Akari account and will email TQARO to confirm this has happened. 

 A member of TQARO will then get in touch with the user to share their log in details and instructions for accessing the system. If the user requires editing rights to specific courses and programmes, they should provide a list of courses/programmes to TQARO who will ensure they get added as an editor to these.  

 You can see which Roles are available in Akari itself, with an explanation as to what these roles are. You can access roles for a course or programme by: 

1. Navigating to that course or programme 

2. Selecting Roles from the left-hand menu  

 Anyone with existing editing access can add the new colleague here themselves. 

 Roles in Akari include: 

  • Course Owner is either a) the member of staff who created the proposal, or b) another member of staff who has been assigned this role. Each course can only have one active Course Owner at a time, who can be either a professional services or academic member of staff. Owners can edit course information and change the status of the programme via system workflows. 

  • Course Convenor or Co-Convenor will be published in the Course Guide and have the same rights and access as the Course Owner. There can be multiple course convenors and co-convenors for a course. Course convenors and co-convenors should be a member of faculty and not GTAs or Guest Teachers. 

  • Editors or Collaborators are added by the Course Owner or an Administrator. They can update/edit the data within the Course. Their access can be limited by access to a User Team which in turn has access to certain fields within the Course. The fields that they cannot edit will appear as read-only.

When will I receive Akari training? 

We will have a dedicated trainer available from the end of February until the end of Winter Term. On campus or virtual training can be booked on the training and development system.

Will departments, schools and institutes need to change their current ways of working? 

Generally no, although those in departments responsible for the Course Guide Review will experiences some differences in using the Akari system. 

Departments may want to review their processes in light of the introduction of Akari. How departments, schools and institutes run internal curriculum management processes is agreed locally under the devolved quality assurance framework, with Department Teaching Committees responsible for approving changes to existing provision, as well as considering proposals for new courses and programmes.

What do the processes for making changes look like in Akari?

For the difference between minor and major changes, please see this quick reference guide

 Minor changes

  • Minor changes to a course can be made directly to the course record and do not require TQARO approval. Once editing is complete, the editor will approve the course, thus confirming that their Department Teaching Committee has had oversight of it. 

  • Minor changes to a programme will be made by submitting a Minor Programme Change request in Akari. TQARO will then review and action the changes. 

 Major changes 

  • Major changes to a course or programme have the same edit and approvals process. Both will be made by submitting a Major Change request in Akari. TQARO will then review and action the changes. 

 In-year changes 

  • In-year changes to a course or programme have the same edit and approvals process. Both will be made by submitting a Major Change request in Akari. TQARO will then review and action the changes. If the changes will have an impact on prospectus information the Prospectus team will need to be notified as well. 


  • Courses can be suspended as part of the Annual Course Guide Review. The suspension of compulsory or core courses requires Department Teaching Committee approval and should not be made in-cycle.  

  • Suspension of a programme requires Department Teaching Committee approval and consultation with APRC via Annual Monitoring, and should not be made in-cycle. Please submit a Suspension Request in Akari. 


  • Courses can be withdrawn as part of the Annual Course Guide Review. The withdrawal of a compulsory or core course requires Department Teaching Committee approval and should not be made in-cycle. Once a course is withdrawn, it cannot be reinstated. 

  • The withdrawal of a programme requires Department Teaching Committee approval and consultation with APRC via Annual Monitoring, and should not be made in-cycle. Once a programme is withdrawn, it cannot be reinstated.  Please submit a Withdrawal Request in Akari.

I want to download a PDF version of a course or programme so that I can circulate it to colleagues via email. Can I do this?

Yes, Akari can save a course or programme record as a PDF. This can be done from the Review (Version Comparison) screen which can be access via the ellipsis menu of a course or programme record. Users can also input comments directly into the Review (Version Comparison) screen if the department’s preference is to keep communications within the system.

Phase 1 - new course and programme proposals

What are the deadlines for submitting new course and programme proposals in Akari?

The deadlines for submission of new proposals to TQARO for consideration by the relevant sub-committee, USSC, GSSC or RDSC, remain unchanged. Please see Sub-Committees and Deadlines.

Phase 2 - Annual Course Guide Review

When will we be able to make minor and major changes to courses and programmes?

Departments will be able to use Akari fully by mid-February 2025 to make changes to 2025/26 and future years’ data, including reporting Department Teaching Committee (DTC) decisions, completing the Annual Course Guide Review, and requesting suspension and withdrawals.  

 Please see the "Other curriculum management processes" section below for more information on DTC decisions.

Will we still be required to input a rationale for the devolved responsibilities? Is it assumed DTC Chair approval has been obtained prior to submitting these changes? 

A rationale is no longer required when submitting these kinds of changes, and DTC approval is assumed when making the changes on Akari.

How can I preview course guides in Akari?

Unfortunately, Akari does not currently offer a preview of a course guide. It is possible to use a version comparison report, but this gives a limited view. 

 The Curriculum Management project team is looking to develop the functionality to be able to preview by using reporting in Akari. We’re currently not able to confirm exactly how it will look, but we plan to deliver a way of previewing course guides in phase three of the project, in June.

Other curriculum management processes

How can I use Akari to communicate DTC decisions?

All changes to courses and programmes approved by DTCs should be submitted in Akari. Course changes that fall under the Annual Course Guide Review can simply be made as part of the annual review process.  


To submit other major course changes, or any programme changes requiring DTC approval, please see Making major changes to courses or Making changes to programmes for more information on how to submit these changes in Akari. 


Please continue to email a copy of all DTC minutes to tqaro@lse.ac.uk for record-keeping.


Phase 3 - reporting in Akari and linking it up to other systems

What will reports look like in Akari? When will I be able to find x information? 

Setting up reporting in Akari will begin in phase three of the project, due to begin in April 2025. We are planning to release some reports for departments and divisions beginning in May, and then as they become available until September 2025. More information will be shared as this phase of the project progresses.