LSE for You: Help and support

If you’re an LSE prospective student, current student, staff or alumni and you’re having difficulty using LSE for You, you can find some solutions to common issues below. There are also handy resources, tips and guidance to help you make the most of the platform and its associated applications.

To learn more about LSE for You and how to use its features, have a look at the LSE for You User Guides

For specific help and support, please see the relevant category below:

Log-in issues

If you’re unable to get access to LSE for You, please visit the LSE for You login FAQ page.

Undergraduate applicants to LSE

If you have applied via UCAS or hold an offer of a place for undergraduate study at LSE, you can find information about the application process, the final outcomes and other relevant topics in the Undergraduate Applications page.

To send documents, report extenuating circumstances and discuss any other issues not covered in the link above, please get in touch with Undergraduate Admissions.

Graduate applicants to LSE

Questions about the application process, the status of your application, accessing the Application Tracker and more are answered within the Graduate Admissions’ FAQs.

If your question is not answered in the FAQs above, please contact Graduate Admissions.

For information about how to use LSE for You, including managing your personal information, please see the Introduction for Applicants.

LSE Summer School applicants

For questions regarding the Summer School’s application process, the status of your application, paying your fees or creating your LSE for You account, please see the Summer School’s FAQs or contact the Summer School.

Alternatively, if your enquiry is not covered in the contact form, you can send an email to

LSE Summer School current students

If you have questions about facilities and services, or exams and credits and what to do once you’ve completed the course, visit the Summer School’s FAQs or submit an enquiry.

Alternatively, if your enquiry is not covered in the contact form, you can send an email to

Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate current students

For more information about Student LfY, and the functions available to you there, please see this webpage.

If you need help with course selection, please see the Course Selection webpages.

For assistance with courses (undergraduate and taught postgraduate), class or seminar sign-up, timetable clashes, results, certificates, documents or any other issue related to your studies and records, please submit an enquiry via the Student Services Enquiry Form.

Help with Moodle (course syllabus, forums, etc.) can be found in the Moodle FAQs for Students.

If you need assistance with the Student Hub (e.g. booking appointments) or would like to contact the Student Hub Support Team, please take a look at the Student Hub Knowledge Base and Support page.

For questions about booking accommodation, making a booking in LSE residence halls or using  the LSE student accommodation system, please see our contact details available here.

Research students

In the first instance, PhD Students should contact the PhD Academy for any issues related to their studies and records, including the PhD logs.   


Help accessing your transcripts can be found in the Transcripts Information and FAQs.

Academic staff

For staff-facing guidance on Course Selection, please see this staff-facing webpage for futher information and documentation.

For staff-facing guidance on functions now in Staff LfY (including registers, teacher feedback and mailers), please see this staff-facing webpage for documentation.

For user guides and support using Moodle (course syllabus, content, forums, etc.) please visit the Moodle How-To guides and FAQs for Staff.

If you need help with Lecture Recording, please see LTI’s Using Lecture Recordings guide.

For assistance with the Student Hub (e.g. setting up office hours) or if you would like to contact the Student Hub Support Team, please take a look at the Student Hub Knowledge Base and Support page.

Professional services staff

For staff-facing guidance on Course Selection, please see this staff-facing webpage for futher information and documentation.

For staff-facing guidance on functions now in Staff LfY (including registers, teacher feedback and reports), please see this staff-facing webpage for documentation.

For user guides and support using Moodle (course syllabus, content, forums, etc.) please visit the Moodle How-To guides and FAQs for Staff.

For assistance with the Student Hub (e.g. setting up office hours) or if you would like to contact the Student Hub Support Team, please take a look at the Student Hub Knowledge Base and Support page.


For further help and guidance with technical issues not covered in the resources above, please look at our Online Guides & FAQs or contact Tech Support.