The following video outlines the types of microphones that are found in classrooms across campus and demonstrates how to use each one correctly Hybrid Teaching - Microphones
Wired microphones
Gooseneck / table / lectern microphones are uni-directional and work best when the speaker‘s mouth is no further than 2 feet/60cm from the microphone and the speaker won’t move significantly.
Effectiveness is limited when using a low (coffee-style) table.
Wireless microphones
Lapel or Lavaliere wireless microphones are best where a low-coffee table is used or the speaker will move around a lot. They consistently produce very good sound, however some things should be taken into consideration:
- The attaching of the lavaliere/lapel mic is critical for performance. Ideally this should be attached centrally and close to the mouth.
- A poorly attached mic can result in all sorts of problems including feedback and physical hitting of the mic as the speaker gesticulates
- Some clothing makes the attachment of the mic or the concealment of the transmitter very difficult.
- Multiple mics can also result in an increased possibility of feedback.
- If multiple lapel mics are used, it is highly recommended that a technician is present. The microphones are very sensitive and should be live mixed to prevent noise interference from speakers that aren’t currently speaking.
- Unmuted microphones can amplify comments not intended for the audience to hear either on stage or even in the green room or after the event.
The following attachment locations are optimal:
- No further than 1 inch/2.5 cm below the knot of a tie
- Between the second and third from the top button on a shirt or blouse
Handheld microphones
Handheld wireless microphones are available on request and suitable for use in lecture theatres (e.g. roving mics for Q&As).
These microphones can also be used as table microphones or lectern microphones where wired microphones aren’t possible. If used in this way, please note:
- They don’t have as good a pick-up as a gooseneck microphone.
- They should be mounted higher to allow the microphone to be closer to the speaker’s mouth.
We have either the wired induction loop or infrared systems installed in our public events and lecture spaces.
To use the infrared system loan a headset from the Teaching Side Support (TSS) team, by sending an email to dts.teaching.support@lse.ac.uk and give at least 24 hours notice.
Please check here, for details of the equipment available in each space.
There are two types of portable digital audio recorders available for short-term loan, the Zoom H1 and H2n. Please see the specifications below:
Zoom H1
- Built-in 90˚ X/Y stereo mic
- Records directly to microSD and microSDHC cards up to 32 GB
Zoom H2n
- Five built-in microphones and four recording modes: Mid-Side (MS) stereo, 90° X/Y stereo, and both 2-channel and 4-channel surround
- Records directly to SD and SDHC cards up to 32 GB
To request either recording, please contact us: dts.teaching.support@lse.ac.uk