Successes and Achievements

LSE Power Achievements

Below is a snapshot of some of our successes and achievements:

Explore menopause support and resources at LSE

The Menopause Toolkit provides guidance, case studies, FAQs and more for staff and managers.

The pocket guide has been created as a quick reference guide for employees and managers on good practice approaches to supporting individuals who are experiencing the menopause. Download pocket guide here.

The menopause may seem a difficult or overly personal topic to discuss with an employee - at the same time, remember that there are plenty of resources within the School that can support managers and staff. Read the guidance for managers.

Frequently asked questions highlight some of the common questions raised about the menopause. Read now.

Real Role Models

To commemorate International Women's Day, we ask our members to nominate their Real Role Models and celebrate colleagues who have supported, encouraged and insipired them.

Gender Pay Gap

In May 2018, LSE Power coordinated a Gender Pay Gap workshop with Chief Operating Officer, Andrew Young to discuss the gap at LSE with over 40 senior managers and division leaders. On average, LSE had a gender pay gap of 10% between women and men in PS roles (data from March 2018). Whilst we have a high quality internal candidate pool, there are difficulties progressing this talent into senior leadership roles. Discussions on the job structure, flexible working, and internal recruitment processes and job descriptions were raised as possible areas to change for improvements.  

Flexible Working

Off the back of the Gender Pay Gap workshop, it was decided that flexible working requests need to be tracked as well as supported in new ways to alleviate issues for women with caring responsibilities. A flexible working toolkit was also developed and launched by HR in 2019, with lobbying and support from LSE Power to showcase successful good practice and examples for future managers and employees. Additional resources have been also allocated to ensuring wording of job descriptions are not gender biased. LSE Power will continue to lobby for analysis and research on how the gender pay gap can be eliminated.

24 August 2020 - Future of Flexible & Agile Working

LSE Power hosted a session with Andrew Young on Flexible and Agile Working at LSE. 

Please see the following link for the recording of the event and the slides. We will compile the themes, key questions, and recommendations from the discussion. If you are interested in contributing more to this area with LSE Power, please email Helen at