Careers in the UK for international students

As an international student at LSE, you probably have questions about working in the UK both during and after your studies. You may have questions about returning home, or perhaps you’re planning to go to another country when you finish your studies.  

Whichever stage of your career you’re at, LSE Careers is here to help you develop your knowledge about your future options in the UK (both in employment or further study) and to develop the skills needed to succeed.

You do not need to have a clear career plan to use our service. Indeed, many students first use us with no plan. It is important, however, to understand that we may work differently from careers services you’ve experienced in other countries. For instance: 

  • We do not place students or graduates into jobs. Instead, we educate and support you by providing information, advice, and guidance.  

  • We do not write your CV, cover letters or applications for you. We will give you feedback on how to improve and tailor these. You can find out more about the support offered in our appointments on our website

  • We will not tell you what career to pursue. We will give you tools and resources to discover areas that might be of interest to you. For example, you can learn more about different employment sectors

  • LSE Careers offers this programme specifically for international students who are looking to work in the UK. These include sessions on intercultural communication and UK interviewing, creating a job search strategy, an alumni panel, and more. You can find all our events on CareerHub.

Careers in the UK for international students

Our year-long Careers in the UK programme is designed to help international students and graduates looking for work in the UK to navigate recruitment processes and build their professional networks.

Find out more about our Careers in the UK for international students programme.

Working in the UK

Most international students will have permission to work in the UK for a short period of time after the end of their studies. If you wish to stay and work in the UK after this period ends, it is important to understand your options. LSE's Student Advice and Engagement Team offer useful information about working on a visa in the UK to help you understand what these options are.

The UK graduate job market is very competitive. It is common for students and graduates to apply for some job opportunities, such as graduate schemes, up to a year ahead of the employment start date.

In addition to strong academic results, hiring managers in the UK are interested in your skills and competencies developed through studies, extra-curricular activities, and work experience. It is also important to be able to articulate your career motivations, not only your suitability for a particular role.

Your suitability for a role can be assessed through several criteria. It is important to be familiar with the UK style of writing CVs, cover letters, completing application forms and how we interview job candidates. The UK style of recruitment might be quite different from what you’ve previously encountered but we provide lots of information and resources to help you.

Graduate job routes in the UK

There are two main types of graduate job routes in the UK:

  1. Graduate Schemes/Programmes: these are usually offered by medium to large-sized organisations that aim to recruit large numbers of graduates each year into a range of areas such as law, finance, consultancy, or management roles. These schemes normally involve a structured training programme over one to three years. Often these schemes include a rotation programme where you can try several different roles in the organisation, learning what suits your skills and interests. Many graduate programmes open applications in August or September and deadlines can be as early as October, whilst others remain open later. Therefore, it is important you familiarise yourself with the recruiting timelines if the sector you are interested in primarily recruits via graduate schemes.  
  2. Direct Entry/Entry Level Positions: these can be found in any type of organisation when a position becomes available. These are often found in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that generally do not need to hire many graduates, although larger employers do advertise too. It is also typical for specialist roles. Training is sometimes less structured than on a grad scheme (especially in smaller organisations) and can include informal training via more experienced team members. You may be offered the opportunity to work towards a qualification if relevant. Vacancies can be advertised at any time of the year but they can often have an immediate start date so you may need to check with the employer if they will be able to wait until you complete your course before you take on a full-time role.

There is no exhaustive list of companies that hire international students. LSE international students and graduates looking for jobs in the UK can use Student Circus to find jobs and internships from companies that have a Skilled Worker visa sponsorship license and would therefore consider sponsoring a Skilled Worker visa.

The UK Home Office provides a register of licensed sponsors. This register lists organisations who are licensed to sponsor work permits for workers coming from outside of the UK which can be a good starting point for candidates seeking a visa. However, it should be cross-referenced with current information on an organisation’s careers pages or through speaking to the recruiting manager. Some WONKHE analysis explores which organisations sponsor international students and can be a useful tool to explore a variety of data. 

Working visas and sponsorships

It’s important to be aware of any restrictions placed on your ability to work whilst studying in the UK and to be aware of the visa options that allow you to work in the UK after graduation. The rules on your permission to work in the UK are determined by which country you come from, whether you're an undergraduate or postgraduate student, and whether you’ve completed your studies. LSE's Student Advice and Engagement Team provide specialist immigration information and advice. 

Working in the UK during your studies

The rules of working in the UK while studying are stated in your visa. It’s important to note any restrictions and that these differ between undergraduate and postgraduate students and are connected to LSE term dates. The Student Advice and Engagement Team offer detailed visa advice on the rules in place, whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student. 

Most international students can work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) during term-time, and full-time during vacations. There are different rules about working during summer for postgraduate students. There are also some restrictions on the types of work you can do. Working whilst you study via a part-time job, vacation job or internship will help develop skills to add to your CV and improve your knowledge of the UK labour market. However, you should also consider if you have the time and capacity to work alongside your studies as most programmes at LSE are intensive.  

Working in the UK after your studies

Many international students require permission to work in the UK after their studies. There is a lot of information on the Gov.UK website to help you explore your options to remain in the UK after you’ve completed your studies, including information about the Graduate Worker route that launched in summer 2021 and the Skilled Worked visa. The Student Advice and Engagement Team offer detailed visa advice on your options for working in the UK after your studies. 

Returning home or moving to another country

You might be contemplating the prospect of working abroad during your breaks or after completing your studies in the UK. Whether you decide to return to your home country or explore a different one, we are here to help. In our appointments, we discuss your intentions, assist in assessing the skills and experiences you've acquired at LSE, and aid you in structuring your job hunt. 

Many employers advertise international vacancies via CareerHub, and we run programmes for Brussels, China, India, and the US and Canada, but it’s important to note that we are not experts on every country! We do however provide access to Student Circus which offers an international jobs board for 29 countries outside of the UK, as well as 16 country career guides. 

If returning home or moving elsewhere you should consider the skills you’ve developed by studying abroad. Recruiters are interested in your academic abilities and skills, but they also want to see that you’ve improved your language skills, learned new skills and can use your international perspective to benefit their organisation. 

National Insurance Number

Everyone who has paid employment in the UK needs a National Insurance (NI) number. This is used to calculate and track your tax record and looks something like this: AB 12 34 56 C. You may have a NI number printed on the back of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP). If you don’t have one, you can apply once you’re in the UK from 0800 141 2075 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm). 

Your NI number is unique to you, and you must not let anyone else use it. Find out more about National Insurance (NI) numbers on the Government website

Useful links