Visa letters

 for your graduation ceremony

Graduands and guests who travel from outside the EU to attend the graduation ceremonies may require a visa to enter the United Kingdom

a passport

Graduands and guests may be travelling from outside the EU to attend the graduation ceremonies and may require a visa to enter the United Kingdom.

We can provide you with a letter confirming that you have been invited to attend the graduation ceremony and that you are able to bring guests with you.

Due to the current closure of the Student Services Centre counter, we can only provide digital copie of the letters.

You are advised to check first with the British Embassy in your home country to ascertain whether such a letter is required.

Please note that:

  • the request for a visa letter must come from the student invited to attend
  • students can only request a letter once they have received a confirmation of their ceremony booking
  • we are unable to specify guest names or details
  • this form is not suitable for students wishing to extend their own visa. Students wishing to apply for such an extension should visit the School's Student Services Advice and Engagement webpages for further information.

Request a ceremony visa invitation letter: 

Request a ceremony visa invitation letter

Request a ceremony visa invitation letter

  • Your Details
  • Your Name
  • If you selected 'other address' above, please enter the full address:
  • How many letters do you require?
  • Your privacy
  • Your right to privacy is important to us. The personal information that you submit in this form will be used to process your request for a Ceremony Visa Letter. Please visit to read our Privacy Policy and learn more about how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using our website.


The usual processing times for ceremony visa invitation letters is 3-5 working days.