How to get specialist visa advice at LSE

If your question is not answered in our guidance, use the forms below to contact our team for advice.

Please note the team does not issue CAS numbers to offer holders.  We cannot say when you will receive your CAS or expedite your CAS if you are an offer holder.

We use our forms to make sure we have all the information we need and can therefore advise you correctly


Immigration advice at LSE and confidentiality policy

Our key policies on how we provide immigration advice and our confidentiality policy can be found on the team's web page:

Student Advice and Engagement Team

Advance notice of service closure and alternative sources of advice

Visa Advice Quick Consultations

Consultations take place in the Student Services Centre, currently located on the ground floor of Connaught House,  and are usually held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Student Services Centre from 1:00pm to 2:00pm and must be booked in advance. We will be unable to see students who do not have an appointment.

Important: Quick consultations are cancelled on Wednesday 26th February 2025 due to staff training.

You can check if there are any closures of this space on the following web page:

Student Services Centre

Visa Advice Live Chat

Please note the team are not available by phone, so if you leave a message please leave your LSE ID so that we can get back to you by email.  


In-person Quick Consultations (formerly drop-in)

In-person quick consultations take place on the following days and times in the Student Services Centre:

  • Monday - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
  • Wednesday - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
  • Friday- 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Consultations last 10 minutes and are designed for quick queries.  They must be booked in advance from the link on the right-hand side of this page. Consultations take place at the SSC counter, which is a public space as explained in our confidentiality policy.

As well as booking your own appointment, you’ll also be able to reschedule and cancel as needed - after you book you’ll receive a confirmation email with details about how to do this.

You can only book one appointment at a time.

Enquiry form and Live Chat for students with applications in place to study at LSE or recent alumni

Our current response time is five working days both for initial queries and responses to follow up questions as it is the peak time for visa applications.  Before contacting us, you should read  our detailed guidance as you may find the answer to your question there Visa Advice

We assess our cases each day for urgency. Multiple queries or marking a case as urgent will not necessarily expedite your case. We appreciate that your personal situation is urgent to you, however this is assessed against our current casework and your potential to face immigration issues. 

Complete the visa advice enquiry form for Applicants, Offer Holders, and Alumni here.

Live Chat FAQS and Service Standards

Live chat is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00pm to 4:00pm.  If you see a message saying no agents are available, this is because we are at our maximum capacity for chats at the time.

What should I use Live Chat for?

 Live Chat is for quick queries on UK student immigration.   We are unable to check applications or documents via Live Chat. The team may direct you to our form during Live Chat. We may also refer you to other LSE teams or external advice.

We recommend that you save your chat at the end so that you can refer to it in the future.  You can do this by selecting "Save Chat" when the chat has ended and it will save as a text file on your device. 

How much time do I have with a team member?

Live Chat is for quick queries up to a maximum of 10 minutes. Due to its popularity, the team will need to adhere to this limit to give all enquirers a chance to speak to the team. 

I've already completed an enquiry form. Should I also contact you on Live Chat?

Contacting us via Live Chat will not necessarily expedite your query.  If your query is complex, the member of staff who connects to your call will inform you that it is unable to be answered via Live Chat and we will follow up by answering your enquiry form. Depending on the nature of your case and our volume of cases, this may not automatically be after Live Chat has ended.

All team members can see Live Chat queries when the chat has ended and it is attached to your student case.  The team will be aware if you have been in touch previously and the advice you received.

Is my Live Chat confidential?

We have a confidentiality policy. All the team can see your enquiry but we will always seek your consent to speak to other people about your case on our enquiry form. If you contact us via Live Chat we will assume that consent is given to speak to other teams, although we will advise you who we will need to speak to.

If you do not want your case to be discussed with other teams initially, we recommend you complete our enquiry form.

Please remember that we are here to assist but are also required to help protect LSE's Student visa sponsor licence.  We may need to inform colleagues of any concerns we have about information you share which may affect your immigration status and the School's ability to sponsor international students.

Are my Live Chat queries saved?

Yes, each Live Chat conversation is recorded and will remain against your case file for seven years in line with OISC requirements. We are required to keep a record of the advice we give. We will be able to refer to this if we need to follow-up on any advice or refer back to advice given via Live Chat.

Enquiry form and Live Chat for LSE students who are enrolled and currently studying at LSE

Our current response time is five working days for initial queries and responses to follow up questions as it is the peak period for visa applications.  Before contacting us, you should read our detailed guidance as you may find the answer to your question there:

 Visa Advice

We assess our cases each day for urgency. Multiple queries or marking a case as urgent will not necessarily expedite your case. We appreciate that your personal situation is urgent to you, however this is assessed against our current casework and your potential to face immigration issues. 

 Complete the campus enrolled visa advice enquiry form here.

 Live Chat FAQS and Service Standards

Live chat is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00pm to 4:00pm.  If you see a message saying no agents are available, this is because we are at our maximum capacity for chats at the time. 

What should I use Live Chat for?

 Live Chat is for quick queries on UK student immigration.  We are unable to check applications or documents via Live Chat.  The team may direct you to our  enquiry form during Live Chat.  We may also refer you to other LSE teams or external advice.

We recommend that you save your chat at the end so that you can refer to it in the future.  You can do this by selecting "Save Chat" when the chat has ended and it will save as a text file on your device. 

How much time do I have with a team member?

Live Chat is for quick queries up to a maximum of 10 minutes.  We will assist you as best as possible via Live Chat.  However, we may ask you to complete an enquiry form.  

I've already completed an enquiry form. Should I also contact you on Live Chat?

Contacting us via Live Chat will not necessarily expedite your query. If your query is complex, the member of staff who connects to your call will inform you that it is unable to be answered via Live Chat and we will follow up by answering your enquiry form. Depending on the nature of your case and our volume of cases, this may not automatically be after Live Chat has ended.

All team members can see Live Chat queries when the chat has ended and it is attached to your student case.  The team will be aware if you have been in touch previously and the advice you received.

Is my Live Chat confidential?

We have a confidentiality policy. All the team can see your enquiry but we will always seek your consent to speak to other people about your case on our enquiry form. If you contact us via Live Chat we will assume that consent is given to speak to other teams, although we will advise you who we will need to speak to.

If you do not want your case to be discussed with other teams initially, we recommend you complete our enquiry form.

Please remember that we are here to assist but are also required to help protect LSE's Student visa sponsor licence.  We may need to inform colleagues of any concerns we have about information you share which may affect your immigration status and the School's ability to sponsor international students.

Are my Live Chat queries saved?

Yes, each Live Chat conversation is recorded and will remain against your case file for seven years in line with OISC requirements. We are required to keep a record of the advice we give. We will be able to refer to this if we need to follow-up on any advice or refer back to advice given via Live Chat.


What happens after my form has been submitted?

After completing your enquiry form, it will be directed to the team.  The standard response time is currently three working days for initial replies and follow-up responses.

Our peak period is from June to November and it is likely that it may take the maximum time to answer initial and follow-up questions.  We assess queries on a daily basis depending on their urgency e.g. complex cases that need additional referral or expiry dates of visas. 

Do I need to complete a new query form each time I have a question?

No, you do not need to complete the form each time you have a question.  You can simply reply to the email response you receive from the team.  The same adviser will work with you on your case unless:

  • they are unavailable due to leave or illness;

  • your case is complex and it has been escalated to the manager;

  • the staff member has escalated the case for other reasons.

By responding to our replies, all the advice is in one trail so it will be easier for you to refer to.

Getting an initial response from the manager doesn't mean the case is automatically complex.  We are a small team of three and during peak periods all members of the team answer queries.  If your adviser changes or your case is escalated, you will be informed of the reason why.

Why do you always refer me to the guidance?

A lot of the questions asked are already answered in our guidance.  We will always refer you here first if we know the answer is already available in our guides. We are happy to clarify any points in the guidance or answer your questions if they are not covered. However, we will always refer you back to our guides if we know your question is answered there, so it would be quicker to check these before getting in touch.

Advice Disclaimer

We are only able to advise applicants to the LSE who have an LSE ID number, current students and alumni who still hold a valid visa sponsored by LSE. 

Please check the details you provide in your query and that you are using the correct form before submission.  By completing either of these forms you are confirming that you have given us an accurate description of your current immigration status.

The Student Advice and Engagement Team is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC). You can also find external advisers and the OISC complaints procedure on their web pages.

The advice provided by the team is in accordance with the current immigration rules and policy guidance.  You are therefore strongly advised to check the most up to date information before submitting any visa application or travelling to the UK. It is your responsibility to read the guidance available and ensure you meet the immigration rules before submitting an application.