31 Dec 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 teacher Dr Ivan Deschenaux who passed his viva with the LSE Department of Anthropology this month! Ivan’s thesis, The resilience of caste: Dalits, psychological essentialism, and intercaste marriage in the Himalayan foothills of Eastern Nepal was based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the region! A much deserved congratulations to the new Dr Deschenaux!
21 Dec 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 Fellow Dr Marta Wojciechowska on her new article in Representation: The journal of representative democracy. The article, Participation is not enough: An argument for emancipation as a foundation of participatory theorising argues for an update to contemporary participatory theory.
16 Dec 2019
Happy end of Michelmas Term to all our LSE students and staff! We hope everyone has a nice and relaxing break!
15 Dec 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 teacher Dr Jessica Simpson who passed her viva this month with the Department of Sociology at City University of London! Jess’s thesis Poles apart? A longitudinal, comparative analysis of female university students and graduates working the in UK stripping and hospitality initiatives studied the reproduction of gender, class and racial inequalities in higher education. Well done Dr Simpson!
8 Nov 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 teacher Dr Alex Fry who's new article Justifying gender inequality in the Church of England: An examination of theologically conservative male clergy attitudes towards women's ordination is out today in Fieldwork in Religion.The article delves into the ways that the Church of England is legally allowed to discriminate against female clergy.
1 Nov 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 Fellow Dr Alex Mayhew who has a new article out this month in the journal War in History. The article, "A war imagined": Postcards and the maintenance of long-distance relationships during the Great War focuses on how combatants and civilians stayed in contact during World War 1.
31 Oct 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 Fellow Dr Marta Wojciechowska who passed her viva with the LSE Department of Government this month! Marta’s thesis Democracy as political agency: governance and emancipation in mega-cities proposes how to govern the biggest most dynamic modern cities. Big congratulations Dr Wojciechowska!
16 Oct 2019
LSE100 held their annual student awards dinner tonight to celebrate outstanding achievement in LSE100 by students from the most recent cohort. Winners in Outstanding Academic Achievement and of the Sir Robert Worcester Prize for Exceptional Academic Performance were invited to attend a special ceremony with staff and guests to congratulate them on their success. More details can be found here.

29 Sep 2019
Welcome back to LSE to all our students and staff! We’re excited to kick off Michelmas Term with our brand new module on Artificial Intelligence!

31 May 2019
Congratulations to LSE100 teacher Dr Alex Fry who passed his viva with the Durham University Department of Theology & Religion this month! Alex’s thesis Gender attitudes amongst Anglo-Catholic and evangelical clergy in the Church of England: An examination of how male priests respond to women’s ordination as priests and consecration as bishops focuses on social influences on gender attitudes. Congratulations Dr Fry!
30 May 2019
The LSE100 team is so proud to have won gold in this year's LSE Green Impact project on reducing single-use plastic!

3 May 2019
Congratulations to our winners of the 18-19 Eden Centre LSE Class Teacher award Emily Cousens, Jacqui Gibbs, Joe Lane and Jacob Mukherjee! We're so appreciative of all the hard work you've put in this year! You can check out all the award winners here.

29 Mar 2019
Congratulations to all our students at LSE on finishing Lent Term! We've had a great time with you all on our food security module!
20 Mar 2019
Yesterday our Director, Dr Jessica Templeton helped judge LSE Geography's Vizathon - a race to complete a sophisticated data visualization in just two hours! Well done to all the students that took part!

6 Mar 2019
Today we hosted Minette Batters, President of the National Farmers Union and Professor Simon Hix in a conversation on the future of UK food security and the consequences of a no-deal Brexit. Thank you for such an inspiring talk!

14 Jan 2019
We're excited to welcome a new batch of LSE students to LSE100! This term we'll discuss food security and sustainability in the UK and beyond.