Conference posters 2023

Our 2023 interdisciplinary student research conference, Knowledge Beyond Boundaries, invited students to submit their research on the topic of 'people and change'. Below you'll find research posters presented on the day. Students from all departments and levels of study were invited to contribute.


Ending wars over water: to what extent can AI be used to predict and prevent transboundary water conflicts? - Akhila Potluru

The pr-ice of carbon: how proportional representation drives increased climate policy stringency - Annabelle Gouttebroze

Philanthropy and “poor” families in Los Angeles, 1910-1950s - Bashirat Oladele

"Small-town swots" studying abroad: self-identification and challenges faced by Chinese overseas students from small towns - Chenyu Yan

Self-regulation habits of 18-29 year-olds on social media - Isabella Szaklany

Newham's Speakers Corner: 'give parents a voice so they can be the voice of change' - Johanna Zackenfels

Gender equality in the military: analysing the opposing conscription policies of Sweden and Finland - Kirsty Vass Payne

Collaborative efforts to preserve the tropical dry forest in the Chamela-Cuixmala biosphere reserve in Mexico - Laura Vigil Escalera Mier

SPLIT: end-to-end food waste management platform in the household that aims to empower women and encourage mend to do split task in domestic work - Rara Mairawati

Role of strategic workforce planning in organisations - Shagorika Das


Ending wars over water: to what extent can AI be used to predict and prevent transboundary water conflicts?

Author: Akila Potluru

Image of poster about 'Ending Wars Over Water: To What Extent Can AI Be Used To Predict And Prevent Transboundary Water Conflicts?'

Click to view PDF


The pr-ice of carbon: how proportional representation drives increased climate policy stringency

Author: Annabelle Gouttebroze, BSc Politics and Philosophy

Image of poster about: 'The prce of carbon: How proportional representation drives increased climate policy stringency'

Click to view PDF


Philanthropy and “poor” families in Los Angeles, 1910-1950s

Author: Bashirat Oladele, BSc Sociology

Image of poster describing 'Philanthropy and “poor” families in Los Angeles, 1910- 1950s'

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"Small-town swots" studying abroad: self-identification and challenges faced by Chinese overseas students from small towns

Author: Chenyu Yan

Image of poster about: 'Self-Identification and Challenges Faced by Chinese Overseas Students from Small Towns'

 Click to view PDF


Self-regulation habits of 18-29 year-olds on social media

Author: Isabella Szklany, MSc Media and Communications

 Image of poster about: 'Self-Regulation Habits of 18-to-29-year-olds on Social Media'

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Newham's Speakers Corner: 'give parents a voice so they can be the voice of change'

Author: Johanna Zackenfels

Image of poster about: 'Newham’s Speakers Corner "give parents a voice so they can be the voice of change"'

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Gender equality in the military: analysing the opposing conscription policies of Sweden and Finland

Author: Kirsty Vass Payne

Image of poster about: 'Gender Equality in the Military: Analysing the Opposing Conscriptin Policies of Sweden and Finland

Click to view PDF


Collaborative efforts to preserve the tropical dry forest in the Chamela-Cuixmala biosphere reserve in Mexico

Author: Laura Vigil Escalera Mier

Image of poster about: 'Collaborative efforts to preserve the tropical dry forest in the Chamela-Cuixmala biosphere reserve in Mexico'

Click to view PDF


SPLIT: end-to-end food waste management platform in the household that aims to empower women and encourage mend to do split task in domestic work

Author: Rara Mairawati

Image of poster about: 'End to End Food Waste Management Platform in the Household that aim to Empower Women and Encourage Men to do Split Task in Domestic Work'

Click to view PDF


Role of strategic workforce planning in organisations

Author: Shagorika Das

Image of poster about: 'Role of strategic workforce planning in organisations'

Click to view PDF

You can find out more about LSE's annual interdisciplinary student research conference here.