A number of models of the ‘teaching research nexus’ have been developed that will help you map your course/programme content and identify any areas that may need further development.
An assumption that underpins each of these models is that whilst research-led teaching - structured around subject content, and the content selected is directly based on the research interests of teaching staff - has its place in curriculum design, for learners to develop a more sophisticated understanding of disciplinary content they need to engage in active and experiential learning.
The student as scholar model (adapted from Hodge et al., 2009)
Also available:
Levy (2009) proposed a similar matrix that also included staff-led and student-led vertical axis, whilst the horizontal axis distinguishes between information-led (existing knowledge) and discovery-led (new knowledge) inquiry.
Levy’s (2009) version of the teaching research nexus model
Also available:
It is worth highlighting that both Healey and Jenkins and Levy stated that whilst activities relating to all four quadrants of their models should be included in the design of new curricula, those relating to the top two quadrants more fully exploit the links between teaching and research and have the greatest potential to enhance students’ learning.
You can explore further models and debates relating to the connections between education and research via Dilly Fung’s (2017) open access book A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education (Chapter 2 – Learning through research and enquiry).