People and teams

Staff teams in the Residential and Catering Services Division

Details of operational staff teams and senior management teams, including terms of reference.

Strategic leadership and management teams

Residences Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Senior Leadership Team members



Ian Spencer - Director of Residential Services
Ian is head of the LSE Residential and Catering Services Division (RCSD). He has responsibility for the School's residences and catering services. 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 7083,


David Jones

David Jones - Head of Catering
David is the head of the LSE Catering. He has responsibility for all aspects of food provision and service delivery.
Contact details: OLD 5.16, 020 7955 7222,




Claire Warne - Divisional Administrator, Residential Services
Claire is responsible for providing administrative support to the Director of Residential Services, the Residences Management Team (RMT), and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 6990,



James Greenwood - Head of Residential Life
Head of Residential Life is the strategic lead for all aspects of student residential life in halls of residence, including wardens, subwardens and School representatives.
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7107 5716,



Allan Blair - Director of Facilities Management
Responsible for the development and operation of all facets of facilities management (FM) at LSE. 
Contact details: 1KW3.01, 020 7955 6748,



Hannah Kearns - Head of Residential Operations
Hannah is responsible for the LSE Accommodation Office and front of house in LSE managed halls. Hannah and her team manage all student accommodation applications and allocations, operational performance and service quality in LSE managed halls.
Contact details: 020 7107 5091,



Seema Adia - Deputy Head of Residential Operatoins

Seema is responsible for supporting the Head of Residential Operations. 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 6786,

Senior Leadership Team terms of reference

The Role of the RCSD Senior Leadership Team (SLT) 

The SLT consists of the direct line reports of the Head of Division (HoD) and is the primary leadership group for the Division. Its function is to advise and support the HoD on leadership and management issues.

SLT supports the HoD in: 

  • proposing the Divisional strategy and delivery mechanisms to ensure they align with LSE2030 
  • implementation of agreed strategies 
  • recommending policy and objectives through assessment of needs, risks and opportunities 
  • evaluating performance against objectives 
  • ensuring best use of resources 
  • promoting the Division to stakeholders
  • being role models for leadership in the Division and across the School by promoting the School’s Effective Behaviours and Ethics Code 


Support the Head of Division in the development and delivery of the Strategic and Operational Plans.

1. Provide strategic oversight for monitoring and reviewing the Division’s finances and risk register to ensure effectiveness of financial and management controls. 

2. Advise the Head of Division on prioritisation of activities within the Division to provide best use of resources.
3. Manage and monitor the effectiveness of the Residences and Catering Management Teams to foster effective team working across the range of team activities to maximise the external impact of the School’s Professional Service Divisions. 

4. Ensure the maximum effectiveness of staff and projects for which line management responsibility has been allocated. 

5. Manage and monitor the effectiveness of policies and procedures in the Division.

6. Lead and promote innovation throughout the Division to efficiently meet evolving organisational priorities and needs. 

7. Monitor the Human Resource strategy for the Division, ensuring that effective and fair people management standards and processes are applied through the Division. 

Performance monitoring, management and reporting 

The Senior Leadership Team, via the Strategic and Operational Plans, is responsible for: 

  • proposing and monitoring of key performance indicators; supporting the Residences and Catering Management Teams to identify meaningful indicators of performance, and then monitoring and reporting on these to the School’s relevant committees 
  • producing the Division’s annual reports 

Version: February 2019 

Residences and Catering Management Team (RMT)

Residences Management Team members


Ian Spencer - Director of Residential Services
Ian is head of the LSE Residential and Catering Services Division (RCSD). He has responsibility for the School's residences and catering services. 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 7083,



Allan Blair - Director of Facilities Management, Estates Division
Responsible for the development and operation of all facets of facilities management (FM) at LSE. 
Contact details: 1KW3.01, 020 7955 6748,



Laura Gilbert - Financial Planning and Analysis Manager, Finance Division

Contact details:



Claire Warne - Divisional Administrator, Residential Services
Claire is responsible for providing administrative support to the Director of Residential Services, the Residences Management Team (RMT), and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 6990,



James Greenwood - Head of Residential Life
Head of Residential Life is the strategic lead for all aspects of student residential life in halls of residence, including wardens, subwardens and School representatives.
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7106 1153,



Hannah Kearns - Head of Residential Operations
Hannah is responsible for the LSE Accommodation Office and front of house in LSE managed halls. Hannah and her team manage all student accommodation applications and allocations, operational performance and service quality in LSE managed halls.
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7107 5091,



Rosa Gil - Senior Operations Manager, Rosebery Hall, Passfield Hall and Carr-Saunders Hall



Rena Brand - Senior Operations Manager, Bankside House and Butler's Wharf Residence



Stephane Bitty - Operations Manager, High Holborn Residence




Bally Nandra - Facilities Manager, High Holborn Residence



Jackie Woodley - Facilities Manager, Bankside House, Butler's Wharf Residence



Seema Adia - Deputy Head of Residential Operations, Residential Services 

Contact details: 020 7955 6786,




Fran Hannan - HR partner (in attendance to SLT only)
The HR partner for the Residential and Catering Services Division provides support and advice with HR planning and HR related issues.
Contact details: 020 7955 6670,


David Jones

David Jones - Head of Catering
David is the head of the LSE Catering. He has responsibility for all aspects of food provision and service delivery.
Contact details: OLD 5.16, 020 7955 7222,



Alice To - Retail Operations Manager
Tel: 020 7955 7220



Ana Martinez-Badia - Residences Catering Manager
Tel: 020 7107 5765




Kasia Babisz - Hospitality Operations Manager




David Hawkins - Executive Chef
Tel: 020 7955 7743


Residences Management Team terms of reference

Role of the Residences Management Team (RMT)

The RMT is a formal support group to the Head of Division (HoD) and is the primary management group for the Division. Its function is to advise and support the HoD on management issues.

RMT supports the HoD in:

  • implementing of agreed strategy
  • evaluating performance against objectives 
  • ensuring best use of resources 
  • promoting the Division to stakeholders 


1. Support the Head of Division in the development and delivery of the Operational Plan within a performance management framework.

2. Manage and monitor the effectiveness of policies and procedures in the Division.

3. Ensure the maximum effectiveness of staff and projects for which line management responsibility has been allocated.

4. Encourage and promote innovation throughout the Division to efficiently meet evolving organisational priorities and needs.

5. Foster effective team working across the range of team activities to maximise the external impact of the School’s Professional Service Divisions.

6. Monitor the Human Resource Strategy for the Division, ensuring that effective and fair people management standards and processes are applied through the Division.

7. Champion ways of working and behaviours (Effective Behaviours Framework) which are consistent with the School’s values and Ethics Code.

8. Manage and monitor progress of UUK Code.

9. Manage and monitor Annual Student Accommodation Satisfaction Survey and form action plans to address issues.

Performance monitoring, management and reporting

The Residences Management Team, via the Operational Plan, is responsible for: 

  • identifying annual meaningful indicators of performance, and then monitoring and reporting on these to the School’s Senior Leadership Team and relevant Committees; 
  • generating Divisional performance information in respect of performance indicators
  • undertake local benchmarking with competitors to include rent levels, operational costs, student satisfaction and service provision (eg laundry)

Version: February 2019 

Catering Management Team (CMT)

Catering Management Team members

David Jones

David Jones - Head of Catering
Tel: 020 7955 7222



Ana Martinez-Badia - Residences Catering Manager
Tel: 020 7107 5765




Alice To - Retail Operations Manager
Tel: 020 7955 7220



David Hawkins - Executive Chef
Tel: 020 7955 7743



Kasia Babisz - Hospitality Operations Manager


Catering Management Team terms of reference

The Role of the Catering Management Team (CMT)

The CMT is a support group to the Head of Catering (HoC) and is the primary management group for the catering department. Its function is to advise and support the HoC on management issues.

CMT supports the HoC in:

  • implementation of agreed strategy
  • evaluating performance against objectives
  • ensuring best use of resources
  • promoting the department to stakeholders


1. Support the Head of Department in the development and delivery of the Operational Plan within a performance management framework.

2. Manage and monitor the effectiveness of policies and procedures in the Department.

3. Ensure the maximum effectiveness of staff and projects for which line managementresponsibility has been allocated.

4. Encourage and promote innovation throughout the Department to efficiently meet evolving organisational priorities and needs.

5. Foster effective team working across the range of team activities to maximise the external impact of the School’s Professional Service Divisions.

6. Monitor the Human Resource Strategy for the Department, ensuring that effective and fair people management standards and processes are applied through the Department.

7. Champion ways of working and behaviours (Effective Behaviours Framework) which are consistent with the School’s values and Ethics Code.

9. Manage and monitor Catering Satisfaction Surveys and form action plans to address issues.

Performance monitoring, management and reporting

The Catering Management Team, via the Operational Plan, is responsible for:

  • identifying annual meaningful indicators of performance, and then monitoring and reporting on these to the Director of RCSD and relevant Committees
  • generating departmental performance information in respect of performance indicators
  • undertake local benchmarking with competitors to include price levels, operational costs, student satisfaction, service provision

Version: February 2019

Operational teams


David Jones

David Jones- Head of Catering
Tel: 020 7955 7222

For all other catering key contacts, see: Catering contacts

Central administration, web and purchasing


Claire Warne - Divisional Administrator
Residential and Catering Services Division
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 6990,


Anca Sticlaru - Digital Content Officer
Residential and Catering Services Division
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7106 1255,


Faculty accommodation


Samantha Da Costa - LSE Staff Accommodation Co-ordinator
Residential Services
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 7023,

Also see Faculty accommodation and relocation service


Halls management and staff


Hannah Kearns - Head of Residential Operations
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7107 5091,

For staff in halls, see: Contacts in halls of residence


Residential life


James Greenwood - Head of Residential Life
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7107 5716


Iqbal Hussain - Residential Life Officer
Iqbal is the residential life officer for: 
High Holborn Residence, Lilian Knowles House and urbanest King's Cross. 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7106 1257 6855,


Ju Jeong - Residential Life Officer
Ju is the residential life officer for: 
Carr-Saunders Hall, Passfield Hall and Rosebery Hall.
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7106 7506,


Fabio Valencio - Residential Life Officer
Fabio is the residential life officer for: 
Bankside House, Butler's Wharf Residence, Sidney Webb House and urbanest Westminster Bridge. 
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7106 1257,


Jack Winterton - Residential Life Project Manager
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor,

You can also contact the residential life team on:


Instagram: @lsereslife

Also see our information for Students living in halls.

Residential Services Office (RSO)


Hannah Kearns - Head of Residential Operations
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7107 5091,


Elisabeth Gooby - Central Reservations Manager, LSE Accommodation Office (Student Operations)
Contact details: 020 7955 7531,

Camila Villegas-Robledo - Residential Services Officer
Contact details: 020 7955 7531,

Annesha Neogy - Residential Services Officer
Contact details: 020 7955 7531,

LSE Vacations

Giuliana De Angelis - Central Reservations Manager (LSE Vacations)
Contact details: Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7955 7690, 



Kevin Brett - RCSD Systems Manager
Residential and Catering Services Division
Contact details:Clement House (CLM), 4th floor, 020 7852 3753,

Also see RCSD systems and technology.

Wardens, School residents and subwardens

For wardens, School residents and subwarden pastoral teams in halls, visit: Contacts in halls of residence