Discounted Accommodation Offers

Offers on accommodation are available for LSE alumni and their guests

Offers on accommodation are available for LSE alumni and their guests. All rates are subject to availability.

Please select from the following links for details:

LSE Vacations offer up to four residences throughout central London during student vacation periods in winter, spring and summer. Single, twin, triple and quad rooms are all available, with a choice of en-suite or shared bathroom facilities. LSE students also receive a 20% discount on public rates. The offer might not always be bookable. To check availability, please enter the promotional code and desired dates in the online booking calendar. If bookable, the discounted rates will appear in your search. Students will need to contact or phone 020 3437 0050 to get a promotional code.

Club Quarters  are a private chain of full-service hotels that cater to a business-oriented consumer in a club-like setting. Club Quarters currently have four hotels in central London, including one in Lincoln's Inn Fields.

There is also a range of accommodation discounts for LSE alumni and friends available on the LSE Alumni website.