At this time of year, it can feel like we're too busy to make time for ourselves. But getting proper rest, feeling energised and creating boundaries between your studies and the other parts of your life can help you succeed.
Build downtime into your revision schedule
Taking regular breaks is vital for maintaining energy and focus throughout the day. One approach might be to study for 25 minutes, followed by a five-minute break. After four rounds, take a longer break. During your downtime, don’t just switch tabs or sit at your desk on your phone – get a change of scene to properly decompress and recharge:
Be aware how others can affect your wellbeing
If you know certain conversations make you feel stressed or anxious – such as comparing revision or assessment performance with classmates – try to avoid them. Similarly, if you know you want to spend the evening before an assessment relaxing, be firm with your friends that you’re not up for socialising.
Know where to get support
LSE is here to support you. Similarly, talking to your friends, family, classmates and mentor can help you manage and see a different perspective.
- Access counselling, out of hours support, disability and mental health support, and student peer support via LSE’s Student Wellbeing Service
- Get study and revision resources, attend workshops, and speak to Study Advisers from LSE LIFE
- Reach out to your academic mentor and have regular check-ins with friends.
Pack your books away
Once you’ve finished studying for the day, pack your books away. Tidy up your desk, throw away any food wrappers, and wash up old coffee mugs. This can help you properly switch off to enjoy the rest of your day and get a good night’s rest.
Fuel your brain
The odd treat is important but relying on sugar and caffeine to get you through assessment season can make you feel more tired. Here are some tips for helping your brain perform at its best:
- Make sure you have healthy snacks like fruit, veggies and nuts on hand
- Keep your water bottle filled up and close by
- Include sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats in your meals
- Consider meal-prepping ahead of time
- Create a list of healthier takeaways if you need to order in.
Keep details of your assessments where you can easily find them
Add the information to your calendar, create a new email folder, favourite the webpages – whatever works best for you. Knowing how to quickly access the details of your assessments – and especially your timetable - will help prevent last-minute panic over dates and times. You can also read these tips for what to do before, during and after exams.
Keep moving
Any form of exercise – whether that’s yoga, running, or a walk in your local park – can help you feel energized and positive. Try to get outside at least once a day for a mood boost from sunlight and fresh air. If you’re studying on campus, you could build one of the following into your day:
- Take a few laps around Lincoln’s Inn Fields
- Walk along the Embankment and enjoy the view of the river
- Explore the streets around Covent Garden in relative quiet
Plan how you’ll celebrate when you’ve completed your assessments
Having something to look forward to can help motivate you when things feel tough. Regardless of how well you think you’ve done, you deserve to celebrate.