ESRC studentship advantages

What are the advantages of an ESRC DTP studentship?

There are numerous advantages to getting an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded studentship. Please open the sections below to find out more!

ESRC related payments are administered by the Financial Support Office (FSO) and registered students can find a comprehensive list and details of how to apply for these additional funds by visiting the Financial Support Office's Information for ESRC Award Holders webpage.

Details of other non-ESRC studentships offered by LSE can be found at LSE’s PhD studentships webpage.

Tuition and Maintenance

The LSE ESRC DTP studentship will cover tuition fees and a stipend with London Weighting. The ESRC publish these amounts on their website. Payments are administered by the Financial Support Office (FSO) and information is provided on the Information for ESRC Award Holders webpage. 

ESRC funded Data and Methods Investments

The ESRC funds a range of data and methods services, additional to those available at LSE, to support research and study. It provides resources needed to access high quality socio-economics data and to develop research skills which are listed in the ESRC data and methods investments [PDF].

Specialist Training

Specialist training includes in-depth subject or disciplinary methodological and theoretical training, and training and support in accessing and using 'cutting edge' data that supports data driven research whether qualitative or quantitative. Students Training needs will be assessed as part of the Development Needs Analysis (DNA) process.

Overseas Fieldwork Expenses

Students undertaking the doctoral element of their award are eligible to apply for overseas fieldwork expenses. Master’s students are not eligible to claim this allowance. Normally students would be expected to undertake fieldwork on a full-time basis.  

Students should only make one claim for overseas fieldwork expenses in the life of the award.  

This funding is administered by the Financial Support Office (FSO) and information is provided on the Information for ESRC award holders webpage.

UKRI Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)

If you have a disability you may be entitled to a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) on top of your studentship. 

DSA helps to cover the cost of any additional support that a person studying for a doctorate might need as a result of a disability, mental health problem or specific learning difficulty.   

The allowance covers: non-medical personal assistance, specialist equipment, extra travel costs and general expenses. 

For further information contact the Financial Support Office.

Overseas Institutional Visits (OIV)

The purpose of the OIV scheme is to support and encourage the international engagement of ESRC funded students. The scheme funds an extension to the studentship of up to three months, plus travel and subsistence costs.  

OIV funding should be used to provide financial support and time for students to: undertake additional specialist research training not available in the UK, develop language skills,  establish research links that will be beneficial to their current or future career,  disseminate early research career findings and attend and participate in seminars where directly relevant to their research.  

Depending on the purpose and duration of the visit, an OIV may also be considered part of a Research in Practice placement.

This funding is administered by the Financial Support Office (FSO) and further information including eligibility criteria and how to apply is provided on the Information for ESRC award holders webpage.

Funding for Student Organised Cohort Development Events and Activities

There is funding available for LSE ESRC funded students to create, develop and lead their own events and activities across disciplines through the Student Funding Competition. The competition is administered within LSE PhD Academy on behalf of LSE ESRC DTP.

Further information regarding eligibility criteria and how to apply is provided on the DTP Student Funding Competition webpage.