Using Compensation
The postgraduate classification schemes allows, in certain circumstances, for failed courses to be 'compensated' by a mark of at least 60% in another course or courses to the value of 1.0 unit, or by a sufficient aggregate. You can therefore opt out of resitting assessments in a failed course if you could potentially compensate this by another course yet to be completed.
You are not permitted to opt out of a resit that follows a bad fail mark or an absence. You also cannot opt out of a resit for a course that is marked as critical to assessment in your programme's local rules.
For example, if you failed (but not bad failed) AB400 but had deferred assessments in AB401 you may choose not to resit the assessments in AB400 because you are confident that the mark in AB401 will compensate the fail in AB400.
You can find out the specific compensation rules for your programme by checking section 3 of the relevant classification scheme in the LSE Calendar.
Once you have opted out of a resit because you hope to use the compensation rules you will not be permitted to take that assessment in the future. This means that there is often risk involved in opting out and you should think carefully about your options.
Fails and deferrals within the same course
If you have both a failed and deferred assessment within the same course (e.g. you have failed the essay in AB402 and deferred the exam in AB402) then you may be able to opt out of taking the failed assessment (e.g. you will choose not to resubmit the essay). You do this on the basis that the mark from the deferred assessment will lead to a pass in the course overall (e.g. the exam will be good enough to pull your overall mark for AB402 up).
If this choice is available to you we will contact you by email shortly after results are published in July or November, as appropriate. If we have not contacted you then this choice does not apply.
Once you have opted out of a resit you will not normally be permitted to take it in the future. This means that there is often risk involved in opting out and you should think carefully about your options.
If you decide to opt out of resitting failed assessment the mark obtained previously (e.g. the fail mark) will be banked and used to calculate the new overall course mark once the deferred assessment has been taken. If the new overall course mark results in an overall fail mark, and you are not otherwise eligible for an award, you will be permitted to resit the failed assessment, provided you have attempts remaining, even if you opted out.
If you do not submit, actively opt out (where possible) or defer the assessment, you will receive a 0-Absent mark for that assessment which may impact your final classification and/or your eligibility to be awarded a degree.