Publication of Results

The way in which we publish results is changing.

Students reviewing results

The way that we publish your results is changing as we transition to Student LSE for You. Expand the sections below to find out how and when we will publish your results. 

When you will receive your final results

Results will be published on the following dates:

Postgraduate resit and deferral students
(After RDAP1) 
Thursday 20 March 2025
BA, BSc and LLB students 
General Course and GO LSE students
 9 and 10 month diploma and postgradute students
 Friday 18 July 2025
Summer postgraduate resit and deferral students
(After RDAP2)
 Friday 18 July 2025
All resit and deferred assessments taken in August
(After IRDAP) 
Tuesday 23 September 2025
 12 and 24 month postgraduate students Tuesday 18 November 2025

It takes some time to send results to students on a particular date. On the release day we have to undertake a number of quality assurance processes and, where results are being sent by email, generate the email text. We sometimes do this outside of normal working hours to ensure we do not overload our systems. This means that your results may not be published until late into the evening, possibly up to 23:59.

We do everything we can to get results published as quickly as we can, but it's never instantaneous and we can't guarantee that it will be within working hours. Please do not worry if somebody else is able to view their results but you're not, is most likely that your results are just working their way through the system. 

Our work to transition to Student LSE for You will mean that we're able to publish results much more quickly in the future. 

When you will receive provisional marks

We publish provisional marks for certain types of students, at certain times of year:

Assessment marks for in-person January exams
taken by non-RDAP students
(i.e. excluding people due final results in March)
Monday 3 March 2025
Course and assessment marks for 
BA, BSc, General Course, Go LSE and LLB students
Friday 11 July 2025
Course and assessment marks for
12 and 24 month postgraduate students
Thursday 7 August 2025

We share provisional marks with these groups of students to allow you to prepare for your next steps, either at LSE or elsewhere. However, sharing marks early means they have not yet been ratified by the relevant exam boards so they can change. This means that provisional marks emails cannot be used as an official record and we cannot respond to queries about them.

It takes some time to send results to students on a particular date. On the release day we have to undertake a number of quality assurance processes and, where results are being sent by email, generate the email text. We sometimes do this outside of normal working hours to ensure we do not overload our systems. This means that your results may not be published until late into the evening, possibly up to 23:59.

We do everything we can to get results published as quickly as we can, but it's never instantaneous and we can't guarantee that it will be within working hours. Please do not worry if somebody else is able to view their results but you're not, is most likely that your results are just working their way through the system. 

Our work to transition to Student LSE for You will mean that we're able to publish results much more quickly in the future. 

How you will receive your results

You will no longer able to access results in the old version LSE for You, this functionality was retired in Summer 2023 and will not be reinstated. 

Final results released on 19 November 2024

Final results for 12 month MSc programmes (and similar) will be sent by email. This will be sent to your LSE email address on Tuesday 19 November. This email will contain all your marks from the 2023/24 academic year alongside all marks from previous assessment periods (if appropiate). 

On publication day we have to undertake a number of quality assurance processes and generate the email text. We sometimes do this outside of normal working hours to ensure we do not overload our systems. This means that you may nor receive your results until late into the evening, possibly up to 23:59. 

If you are expecting to recieve final results on 19 November but have not had an email by 23:59 then please submit a query to the Student Services Centre (selecting Results and Awards then Results Publication).

Provisional marks released on 3 March 2025

Provisional assessment marks for in person January Exams taken by non-RDAP students (i.e. excluding people due final results in March) will be sent by email. This will be sent to your LSE email address on Thursday 20 March 2025. 

On publication day we have to undertake a number of quality assurance processes and generate the email text. We sometimes do this outside of normal working hours to ensure we do not overload our systems. This means that you may nor receive your results until late into the evening, possibly up to 23:59.

If you are expecting to recieve provisional marks on 20 March but have not had an email by 23:59 then please submit a query to the Student Services Centre (selecting Results and Awards then Results Publication).

Final results released on 20 March 2025

Final results for students who took assessments in the Postgraduate Resit and Deferral Period in January (RDAP1) will be sent by email This email will contain all your marks from RDAP1 academic year alongside all marks from previous assessment academic years. 

On publicatiion day we have to undertake a number of quality assurance processes and generate the email text. We sometimes do this outside of normal working hours to ensure we do not overload our systems. This means that you may nor receive your results until late into the evening, possibly up to 23:59. 

If you are expecting to recieve final results on 20 March but have not had an email by 23:59 then please submit a query to the Student Services Centre (selecting Results and Awards then Results Publication).

Results released later in the 2024/25 Academic Year

This page will be updated with specific advice for each results release period closer to the time. We're not able to confirm all information at present because work to transition to Student LSE for You is ongoing. 

Some members of staff will still be able to access provisional marks and final results in the old version of LSE for You. 

Check out the sections below to find out more about how we publish results; the steps involved in making sure your results are accurate including; and advice for students in various scenarios. 

What's the difference between final results and provisional marks?

Final Results

  • These are marks and grades which have been ratified by both your department and either the School Board of Examiners or Graduate School Board of Examiners. These marks and grades will not change. 
  • If we have made an award your final results will also include a classification and award date.
  • If you are a continuing student they will also include information about your progression status.

Provisional Results

  • These are marks and grades which have been reviewed within your department and uploaded to the student record system. They have not been ratified by your department or  the School Board of Examiners or Graduate School Board of Examiners. 
  • For January exams you will receive a numerical mark for the exam assessment. You will not receive a mark or grade for the course, and will not receive any overall classification or progression information. January exam results are not released seperately for RDAP students.
  • In July undergraduate and general course (or similar) students will receive numerical marks for assessments. You will also receive an overall mark and grade for each course. You will not receive any overall classification or progression information. 
  • In August students following 12 month MSc programmes (or similar) will receive numerical marks for assessments. You will also receive an overall mark and grade for each course. You will not receive any overall classification or progression information. 

Visit understanding results to find out more about what your results mean.

Missing results

If you do not receive a results email at all 

  • On results release days - please remember that it takes some time to send results emails. Please do not worry if somebody else on your programme has their results but you do not, your results are most likely on their way! For more details check the 'When' sections at the top of this page.
  • If you have a debt - In line with LSE policy, you will not be sent any final results  if you owe money to the School. We will confirm if this is the case on the relevant publication date. If you have a debt please contact the Fees, Income and Credit Control for further information. You will still be sent provisional marks.
  • If there is an ongoing query or investigation - we will not release your results if there is an ongoing query or investigation around your results. This could include Academic Misconduct, or another issue we've identified. You will normally recieve information about this in advance, but if not please contact your academic department in the first instance.

If a mark is missing from one of your emails 

  • Provisional marks emails sent in September will likely not include dissertation, capstone and similar courses, this is completely normal because marking is ongoing. These marks would never normally be available at this time of year and are only published when final results are released in November.
  • An individual mark or result may be held back from publication due to an ongoing investigation, query or processing issue. We always do our best to ensure all marks are published on time, but if we're unsure about the accuracy of a mark we may have to delay publication. You will normally recieve information about this in advance, but if not please contact your academic department in the first instance.

Can I get my results early?

No, the dates outlined in the When sections above are the earliest that we confirm results. There are a number of stages that results have to go through before we're able to release them (see How results processing works) this means we cannot release final results any earlier. 

In some cases (i.e., only those outlined in the Provisional Marks tab above), we are able to release provisional marks, ahead of final results, to give you an indication of performance. These results will not have gone through all of the stages and so may change. 

How results processing works (ratification)

Results processing involves a number of stages, these are designed to ensure that your final results are fair and accurate.

1. Submission processing. When you submit your work, or an exam script, it will be checked against the register and/or attendance records to make sure no work is lost and, where appropriate, remains anonymous.

2. Marking. Academic staff mark assessments in line with one of LSE's approved, robust marking processes. Your department will be able to tell you which method is being used for each assessment.

3. External review. Academic staff from other universities review marking across the course to ensure it is in line with other UK universities. This is the first part of the ratification process. 

4. Collation of marks. Marks are collected by your academic department. These will be checked to ensure that the mark on the marksheet reflects the mark awarded by the marker.

5. Upload of marks. Marks are sent to the Student Services Centre and uploaded to the student records system. 

6. Calculation of course level results. Individual marks are turned into course level marks and grades. For example we'll take the mark for an essay, presentation and exam and combine them to work out the mark and grade for the course overall.

7. Initial calculation of provisional classifications and progression decisions. We take course level courses and combine them to work out your progression status or final classification. Where appropriate, first year averages and aggregates are also calculated at this stage. 

8. Sub-Boards preparation. Before departmental sub-boards take place all calculations and paperwork is checked. Exceptional Circumstances submissions are also retrieved and prepared for the sub-board.

9. Departmental sub-boards take place. All marks, classifications and progression decisions are reviewed by your departmental sub-board. The sub-board will also review all exceptional circumstances submissions and where appropriate make a case for the relevant School level board to consider. Where appropriate departmental prizes will be considered during sub-boards. Sub-boards are the second part of the ratification process. 

10. School boards preparation. After departmental sub-boards have taken place everything is checked again and collated in preparation for the School level boards.

11. School boards take place. All departmental sub-board decisions are reviewed to ensure equity and consistency across LSE. Each Exceptional Circumstances case is carefully considered. There are separate meetings for the School Board of Examiners (BA and BSc); Law School Board of Examiners (LLB); Graduate School Board of Examiners (Diploma and MSc); and General Course Board of Examiners (General Course and GO LSE). School boards are the third part of the ratification process.

12. Post School board updates. The student records system is update to reflect any decisions made at the School boards.

13. Final checks and prizes. All marks, classifications and progressions are given a final quality check. Prizes are added to the Student Records System where they are available. 

14. Publication of Results. Your results are published using the methods outlined above.

Challenging Results

We are confident that our assessment and results processes are robust and that the results we publish will be accurate. As you will see from the section above there are lots of checks to ensure that your results are fair and accurate. 

However, in certain circumstances, there are options to challenge your results.

General Course and GO LSE students

Official documentation for General Course and GO LSE students (including those on incoming exchanges such as Erasmus) does not include numerical marks. You will only receive an assessment grade and class grade. 

Your home university will determine the subsequent accreditation of the academic work completed at LSE. 

However, to give you an indication of performance, the provisional results released in early  July will include a numerical mark for your assessments. Remember that these may change, they are simply for your information. 

You will also receive an email, from the General Course team,  shortly after results have been published showing your final numerical marks. Again, this is for your information only and does not constitute a transcript. 

For more information take a look at The General Course - Teaching and assessment.

Taught course results for research degree students

MRes students in the taught phase of their programme (i.e. those who have yet to upgrade)

Pre-upgrade MRes students are governed by the regulations for taught postgraduate programmes and managed by the Student Services Centre. As such, your results will be processed in line with those for other taught masters students – for details on timing, provisional results etc. check the sections above.

Final taught course results for MPhil/PhD students and post-upgrade MRes/PhD students

Results for PhD Students taking taught courses will be sent to your LSE email. They will be sent in line with the dates outlined in the 'when' section above. For courses normally associated with 9/10 Month MSc programmes you can expect your results on 12 July. For courses normally associated with 12 month MSc programmes you can expect your results on 19 November.

Further guidance 

The PhD Academy and Student Services Centre can only offer very limited support in relation to results for PhD students taking taught courses. If you have queries about your results you should contact the department responsible for teaching the course or your home department as appropiate. If further guidance is necessary, the department will contact the PhD Academy on your behalf.

Intercollegiate students

Incoming intercollegiate students

Incoming intercollegiate students are those from other University of London colleges who are taking courses at LSE. Results for these students are not published by LSE.  Please contact your home university for your LSE course result. 

Outgoing intercollegiate students

Outgoing intercollegiate students are LSE students who are taking courses at another University of London institution as part of their LSE degree. Results for these students are published by LSE and, where available, will be included in normal results publication. Please check the When and How sections at the top of this page for more information.

Transcripts & Degree Certificates

Transcripts for continuing students

Intermediate Transcripts are available from the Student Services Centre (during our opening hours) immediately after the release of results. 

Transcripts for students with an award

Final transcripts are issued using a system called Digitary. This allows you to share your transcript electronically and also order hard copies if required. Your final transcript also contains comparative data which needs to be calculated after results are published. Final transcripts are uploaded to Digitary after the publication of results. For more information, including expected time lines, visit Transcripts.

Degree Certificates

A hard copy degree certificate will be available for collection during the Graduation Ceremonies. If you do not collect it during at your ceremony you can request to collect it from the Student Services, or have it sent to you by secure courier.  For more information visit Degree Certificates.