Results processing involves a number of stages, these are designed to ensure that your final results are fair and accurate.
1. Submission processing. When you submit your work, or an exam script, it will be checked against the register and/or attendance records to make sure no work is lost and, where appropriate, remains anonymous.
2. Marking. Academic staff mark assessments in line with one of LSE's approved, robust marking processes. Your department will be able to tell you which method is being used for each assessment.
3. External review. Academic staff from other universities review marking across the course to ensure it is in line with other UK universities. This is the first part of the ratification process.
4. Collation of marks. Marks are collected by your academic department. These will be checked to ensure that the mark on the marksheet reflects the mark awarded by the marker.
5. Upload of marks. Marks are sent to the Student Services Centre and uploaded to the student records system.
6. Calculation of course level results. Individual marks are turned into course level marks and grades. For example we'll take the mark for an essay, presentation and exam and combine them to work out the mark and grade for the course overall.
7. Initial calculation of provisional classifications and progression decisions. We take course level courses and combine them to work out your progression status or final classification. Where appropriate, first year averages and aggregates are also calculated at this stage.
8. Sub-Boards preparation. Before departmental sub-boards take place all calculations and paperwork is checked. Exceptional Circumstances submissions are also retrieved and prepared for the sub-board.
9. Departmental sub-boards take place. All marks, classifications and progression decisions are reviewed by your departmental sub-board. The sub-board will also review all exceptional circumstances submissions and where appropriate make a case for the relevant School level board to consider. Where appropriate departmental prizes will be considered during sub-boards. Sub-boards are the second part of the ratification process.
10. School boards preparation. After departmental sub-boards have taken place everything is checked again and collated in preparation for the School level boards.
11. School boards take place. All departmental sub-board decisions are reviewed to ensure equity and consistency across LSE. Each Exceptional Circumstances case is carefully considered. There are separate meetings for the School Board of Examiners (BA and BSc); Law School Board of Examiners (LLB); Graduate School Board of Examiners (Diploma and MSc); and General Course Board of Examiners (General Course and GO LSE). School boards are the third part of the ratification process.
12. Post School board updates. The student records system is update to reflect any decisions made at the School boards.
13. Final checks and prizes. All marks, classifications and progressions are given a final quality check. Prizes are added to the Student Records System where they are available.
14. Publication of Results. Your results are published using the methods outlined above.