Finding Courses

stage one of the process

There are lots of tools to help you find the right courses

Please read the course selection overview for information about stages two and three. 

There are a number of tools that you can use to help decide which courses you'd like to take as part of your programme. 

The LSE Calendar

The LSE Calendar pulls together lots of regulations about your programme into one place.

Using the calendar you can:

  • Check your programme regulations to confirm which courses you are permitted to take
  • Find out more information about every course including who teaching arrangements, content, assessment, reading and survey results

Open the LSE Calendar

Timetable Information

You can use the online teaching timetables to work if the courses you'd like to take are likely to clash. These are published between Mid-August and Mid-September each year.

Please find these timetables available on the timetable webpages

You may also want to check the non-degree language class timetable if you're thinking of taking a language course outside of your programme, also available on the timetable webpages. 

Course Finder

Course Finder is a tool that allows you to browse courses by unit value, keyword, department, and assessment type. You can build a shortlist of courses and compare the Lecture Timetables for that shortlist.

Course finder is available during the course selection periods. Course finder can only be accessed once you have your LSE IT account. 

Course finder is unavailable to students who are not enrolled, for example students who are on interruption or who are taking resit or deferred assessment only. 

Open Course Finder

Course Content

 If you have any questions about the content of the course(s) you are considering, please contact the relevant teaching department(s).

In some cases you may also be able to view course content from previous years on Moodle.

You can browse past exam papers for digitised copies of past exams from 1994 to the present. 


Remember, it is advisable to have a few "back-up" courses in mind in case any of your preferred courses are already full.

General Course students should also read General Course choosing your courses.