LSE Cards

how to request a replacement card

Your LSE card is an important piece of identification please make sure you keep it safe, and never share it with anybody else


LSE ID Card Policy

As stated on the rear of your ID card, all LSE cards remain the property of the School and they are not transferable to other people.  It is vital that if you have lost your ID card you apply for a replacement as soon as possible to be able to access buildings.

It is a breach of School policy to give your ID card to someone to use to access buildings and your card may be confiscated if you are found to be doing this.

Taught students
undergraduate, General Course, Masters, MRes programmes and intercollegiate

 If you have requested a replacement ID card we will email you when it is available to collect.  Information about SSC counter opening hours can be found on our Student Services Centre webpage

If your card is lost, stolen, damaged or expired it is important that you follow these three steps as soon as possible:

1 - Order a new card with LSE

  • Lost Cards can be replaced for a fee of £10 and can be ordered via the LSE online store. This fee is non-refundable, so please be sure that your card is definitely lost before making a payment.

    Request a replacement for a lost LSE card

  • Stolen cards  will be replaced free of charge if you supply a police crime reference number. Request a replacement for a stolen card using the form below. 

    Request a replacement for a stolen LSE card

    Request to replace a stolen LSE card

    • Your Name *
    • Your level of study*
    • Have you been given access to additional rooms?*
    • Your Privacy
    • Your right to privacy is important to us. The personal information that you submit in this form will be used to help us produce your replacement card quickly and accurately. Please visit to read our Privacy Policy and learn more about how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using our website.*
  • Damaged cards will be replaced free of charge if you return the old card to the Student Services Centre when you collect your new card. Request a replacement for a damaged card using the form below.

    Request a replacement for a Damaged LSE card

    Request to replace a damaged LSE card

    • Your Name *
    • Your level of study*
    • Have you been given access to additional rooms?*
    • Please confirm that you will bring the damaged card to the Student Services Centre when collecting your new card.*
    • Your Privacy
    • Your right to privacy is important to us. The personal information that you submit in this form will be used to help us produce your replacement card quickly and accurately. Please visit to read our Privacy Policy and learn more about how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using our website.*
  • Expired cards  will be replaced free of charge if you return the old card to the Student Services Centre when you collect your new card. Request a replacement for an expired card using the form below.

    Request a replacement for an expired LSE card

    Request to replace an expired LSE card

    • Your Name *
    • Your level of study*
    • Have you been given access to additional rooms?*
    • Your Privacy
    • Your right to privacy is important to us. The personal information that you submit in this form will be used to help us produce your replacement card quickly and accurately. Please visit to read our Privacy Policy and learn more about how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using our website.*

    Recent graduate and 12 month MSc students who are awaiting results are not eligible for a replacement student ID card. 

2 - Collect your new card from the Student Services Centre when it is ready

If you have requested a replacement ID card we will email you when it is available to collect, usually within 2 working days. Information about SSC counter opening hours can be found on our webpage.  

You can also contact us via our online enquiry form

3 - Touch your new card onto a MFD printer device in a public computer room

You'll then be prompted to enter your LSE username and password. Doing this will associate your printing account with your new card. Any balance will then be automatically available of your new card. 

Note: sQuid payment system

The school discontinued the sQuid payment system in July 2018.  There will be ID cards in use bearing the sQuid payment on the back, please do NOT create an account with sQuid and load funds as they cannot be spent at any LSE catering outlet.


PhD Students

PhD students can visit the PhD Academy who will provide you a replacement card instantly. 

You can find out the opening hours and location of at  PhD Academy.

Summer School students

Summer School students can request new student cards from the Summer School office. 

Map and Directions

University of London International Programme students

Students on the University of London International Programme should contact the University of London for information about access to LSE.

Short course and Executive education students

Students taking short courses and executive education should contact the administrator running their programme for details of how to get a replacement LSE card. 


Staff can request replacement cards from the Central Badging Office in OLD.G.11 (the Old Theatre green room).

  • If you are a member of staff who is also studying part-time at LSE you will need to hold a staff card.
  • If you are a full-time student with a part-time staff contract, you should hold a student card.  

If you believe that you have have the wrong card, please visit the Central Badging Office.

The photograph on your LSE Card

In order to ensure the consistency of the data it is not possible for us to change the photograph on your LSE Card unless:

  • You start a new level of study (i.e. you move from a undergraduate to a Masters programme)
  • There has been a significant change in your likeness since the photograph was taken
  • LSE Security or your Hall of Residence request that you update your photograph in order to assist with identification

Unfortunately, we cannot change photographs due to personal preference. 

How the information from your LSE card is used

Information regarding the use of your student ID card is accessible to members of LSE staff and the use of this information includes but is not limited to:

  • determining whether a card is functioning correctly
  • attendance monitoring
  • helping us to protect your wellbeing