Providing feedback on your education

There has been so much positive change in recent times, with departments taking on board our recommendations, changing programmes, and making it easier for students to get to know each other

Ieuan Bennett, Economic History

At LSE, student feedback is extremely important to us. You are strongly encouraged to share your views about your time here, and make suggestions for improvement by working with your department and other services to enhance your student experience, and that of the whole student body.

As a member of our LSE community, there are many opportunities for you to provide feedback on your education and student experience.

Some of the feedback mechanisms are listed below and more can be found on our Student voice homepage.

Providing feedback on your education

Student Education Panel: provides you with an opportunity to gain insight into how the university works and shape the future of education at LSE. The panel meets once per term and works in partnership with LSE and LSESU to co-create a better educational experience for everyone.

Academic Representatives: representatives ensure your concerns are addressed and that you have a say in the running of your programme. Issues raised may include the quality of the programme, your student experience, the things you enjoy and the things you want improved. Details about becoming an Academic Representatives will be shared by your department at the start of Autumn Term.

Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC's): these meetings provide a formal forum in your department to discuss your experience both in and outside of the classroom with staff. You're encouraged to get involved with your department's SSLC either through contacting your elected Academic Representative or your Programme Administrator or Manager.

Consultative Forums: these meetings take place above the departmental Staff Student Liaison Committees (‘SSLC’), where Academic Representatives from across the whole of LSE come together and discuss issues that have affected students within their department.

Education Committee and its Sub-committees: these committees discuss issues related to teaching, learning, curriculum and student experience and are attended by staff and student representatives including LSESU Sabbatical Officers and Consultative Forum members. 

Academic Board: there are over a thousand members of the Academic Board, which comprises the majority of academic and research staff, and seven student representatives who include LSESU Sabbatical Officers, Graduate Teaching Assistants and three other students.

Survey feedback: you have the opportunity to feedback on specific courses through course-level surveys and on your experience at LSE as a whole in either the Undergraduate Survey (for continuing undergraduates), National Student Survey (for finalist undergraduates) or the Postgraduate Survey (for continuing and finalist postgraduates).