Booking an appointment

There’s lots of support available to you. All appointments are available online and in-person.

On this page you can:

  • Book a Wellbeing appointment 
    To access counselling, book a wellbeing appointment
  • Book your first appointment with a LSE Disability or Mental Health Adviser to arrange practical study related support
  • Request a follow up appointment, if you already have an adviser and/or My Adjustments

To access the right support, read the statements below and choose the one most relevant to you. We may review your form and direct you to a different type of appointment to ensure we provide you with the most suitable support. 

If you need urgent mental health support please visit our webpages

Meet with a Welbeing Adviser

"I'm concerned about my mental or personal wellbeing and would like to discuss options for support"

A meeting with a Wellbeing Adviser is your first step to getting support. You will have the opportunity to book your appointment when you complete this form, so please have your availability ready. 

If appropriate, couselling referrals can be made following a wellbeing appointment. Please note, there is a wait time of up to 12 weeks for a counselling assessment but there is lots of support that you can access while you wait. 

Arrange an appointment to see a Wellbeing Adviser

Find out what happens at a wellbeing appointment  

Meet with a Disability or Mental Health Adviser for the first time

"I have a diagnosed disability or mental health condition and would like support and adjustments for studying"

Current students should complete the form below to meet with an Adviser from the Disability and Mental Health Service (DMHS) as a first step to talk about adjustments and support with your studies.

Prospective students should not complete this form, and should instead visit our prospective and incoming students page. 

Summer school students should not complete this form, and should instead contact the summer school directly for support with adjustments.

Arrange an appointment to see a DMHS Adviser

Find out what happens at a DMHS appointment 

The deadline for implementing Central Exam Adjustment before Spring exams is Friday 5th April 2025. 

Contact your Disability or Mental Health Adviser for a follow up

"I already have an assigned Disability and Mental Health Adviser and would like to discuss my existing support arrrangements"

Book a follow up appointment:

Arrange a follow up appointment with your Adviser

Disability and Mental Health Service - Request a follow up appointment

Please complete the follow up form in one sitting. If you need urgent help, email or call +44 (0)20 7955 7767

  • Your details
  • Name
  • Are you registered with a GP
  • Your wellbeing
    Below are some statements about your wellbeing. Please select the answer that best describes your experience of each over the last two weeks.
  • In the last two weeks, I have had thoughts of harming myself
  • In the last two weeks, I have had thoughts of harming others
  • In the last two weeks, I have deliberately harmed myself
  • In the last two weeks, I have had suicidal thoughts
  • In the last two weeks, I have made plans to end my life
  • In the last two weeks, I have used alcohol and/or recreational drugs to cope with my difficulties
  • I think I am currently at risk of harm FROM others
  • I am currently in contact with specialist mental health services (e.g. psychiatrist, community mental health team, home treatment team, crisis team)
  • Your appointment availability
  • Please tick the relevant box below to indicate what type of appointment you would prefer.
  • Please answer the following question if you ticked either online or face to face as a preference. If we are unable to provide your preferred option, tick below if you are open to an alternative
  • Please select all the times that you’re available for an appointment - please indicate as many as possible as this will speed up the process for you
  • Mondays
  • Tuesdays
  • Wednesdays
  • Thursdays
  • Fridays

The deadline for implementing Central Exam Adjustment before Spring exams is Friday 5th April 2025. 

Inform the Disability and Mental Health Service of your support needs as an offer holder

"I'm a prospective or incoming student and would like to know more about the support available to disabled students"

Student Wellbeing Service – Daily Drop-In (term-time only)

The Student Wellbeing Service runs a daily weekday drop-in during term-time for brief enquiries. Students will be able to speak to a Disability, Mental Health or Wellbeing Adviser.  

When: Monday to Friday, 12.00pm to 1.00pm 

Students will be seen on a first come, first served basis. If you arrive after 12:45pm we may not be able to see you.

Where: Enter the Towers (on Clements Inn) via the building labelled “Pankhurst House and Fawcett House” This building this is labelled PAN (for Pankhurst House) on the LSE Campus Map. It is the entrance on Clements Inn nearest to the steps leading up to the main campus area. Once in the building, follow the sign to Fawcett House (turn left at Reception). Take the lift or stairs to 4th floor. Turn right out of the lift /stairs and you will see the Student Wellbeing Service.

During the drop-in we can help with: 

  • The status of a Central Exam Adjustments (CEA) application
  • Checking and confirming your medical evidence is sufficient
  • Explaining or stamping Disability Students’ Allowance forms
  • General wellbeing concerns
  • Advice about support and services available at LSE
  • Booking an appointment with a Disability, Mental Health or Wellbeing Adviser

Please note: we cannot create “My Adjustments” during drop-ins as students need to book a full appointment with a Disability or Mental Health Adviser. 


What happens at a Wellbeing appointment?

At your Wellbeing Appointment you’ll meet with a Wellbeing Adviser to talk about your current situation. During this 30-minute appointment we will discuss what would be most useful to you, including: 

  • Workshops & groups: Develop new skills and coping techniques to allow you to get the most from your academic studies and enjoy your LSE experience
  • Self- care strategies: Identify practical strategies for looking after your mental health and wellbeing. These could include reflective journalling, goal setting, breathing techniques & mindfulness  
  • Referral to LSE Student Counselling Service: Talk in confidence with a trained professional about anything in your life which is impacting your psychological wellbeing and daily life. Our counsellors work with you to reflect on whatever you are finding difficult and to identify healthier strategies to manage. Find out more about the Student Counselling Service
  • Support from a Disability Adviser or Mental Health Adviser: For confidential advice and support for students with disabilities and mental health conditions. Find out more about the Disability and Mental Health Service 
  • Peer Support: Meet with trained student volunteers who can offer support, give a fresh perspective and listen to whatever is troubling you, from academic stresses to relationships. Find out more about Peer Support
  • Signposting to LSE services: Including Student Services CentreLSE LifeCareersFaith CentreStudents UnionFinancial Support Office and more 
  • Wellbeing Toolkit: We will also provide you with a Wellbeing Toolkit, and additional wellbeing resources that might be useful to you

What happens at a DMHS appointment?

During the appointment, the adviser will typically discuss the following with you: 

  • The impact of your impairment or condition on your studies 

  • Additional adjustments, equipment or support you will need to have full access to the course and an opportunity to demonstrate the full extent of your academic abilities 

  • An individual support plan called My Adjustments that sets out required adjustments which will be shared with staff involved in delivering the support and adjustments 

Advisers can also signpost you to other relevant support services at LSE and externally. 

How can I prepare for my appointment?

  • Think about the ways in which your condition has impacted on your studies in the past 

  • Make a list of the support you have had during previous studying experiences – what has worked well and what not so well? 

  • Find out as much as possible about the modes of study and assessment your course will involve, and think about whether you may require any particular support or adjustments with those 

  • Visit our support pages to find out more about the support we can provide for specific disabilities 

  • If you are a home student, apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) 

Preparing for an online appointment

If you have an online appointment, here are a few points to help you prepare: 

We will be using Zoom or Teams for online sessions. Shortly before your appointment, your adviser will email you a link that is specific to your scheduled session.   

  • Consider what you'll need to be comfortable – Have the online appointment in a place where it's unlikely that others will overhear your conversation 

  • Use headphones instead of having the call audio coming out of laptop/PC speakers to prevent people being able to overhear the responses from the person you are speaking to 

  • Where possible, use a laptop, iPad or desktop that is set up on a stable surface. If you need to use a mobile phone, turn off notifications and place your mobile on a stable surface

Connection problems

In the event of connectivity issues, where it is not possible for the session to be carried out, it may be necessary for your adviser to terminate the session and reschedule via email for another time.   

Managing risk concerns

To manage any risk which might arise during remote sessions, the service will follow a distress protocol. Although these circumstances are unlikely to occur, it is important that you know what steps are taken to ensure your safety. 

If you terminate the connection during the session and this happens when you are agitated or upset, or made statements which indicate your safety is compromised, your adviser will first attempt to re-contact you online. If reconnecting with you online is unsuccessful, they will try you by email.