Contact us to identify what support you may need to help your studies, from exam adjustments to assistive tech

Advice and support is available to students with AD(H)D from the Disability and Mental Health Service.

Current students are encouraged to register with us in order to discuss your circumstances in confidence with an adviser. This will ensure we can facilitate any necessary support and adjustments whilst you study. 

What is AD(H)D?

Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder or AD(H)D may be defined as a neurodevelopmental difference. It has been described as:

“.. a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development and causes you difficulties in more than one area of your life (e.g both at work and at home)” (Hallowel and Burns).

People with AD(H)D may have difficulties with:

  • Concentration, such as keeping focused in lectures and when reading
  • Controlling the need to move, such as being unable to sit still
  • Impulsive behaviour, such as interrupting others and not waiting their turn
  • Organisational and time management skills
  • Completing tasks or assignments
  • Misplacing or losing possessions
  • Feelings of frustration
  • Restlessness, sometimes causing sleep difficulties
  • Engaging in risk-taking behaviour

How do I get assessed for AD(H)D?

If you don’t have a childhood diagnosis, you need to approach your GP who can refer you for assessment by a mental health specialist trained in the diagnosis of AD(H)D. Alternatively you can approach a private psychiatrist in order to undertake assessment for AD(H)D.

There is no universal test for AD(H)D, and a medical professional may use a variety of methods during your assessment. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire or rating scale such as the ARSS (Adult ADHD Self-report Scale) and the DIVA (Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in adults).

Following assessment, if you are diagnosed with AD(H)D, treatment options should be discussed with you, including the possibility of medication.

In addition to this, your GP may refer you for a structured supportive psychological intervention focused on AD(H)D, with a regular follow-up in person or by phone. Treatments may also involve elements of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). 

What support is available?

When you meet with a Disability Adviser they will talk you through the support and adjustments which might be appropriate to your studies, such as:

My Adjustments

Any necessary support and adjustments to your teaching and learning will be recorded within a document known as My Adjustments (MAs). MAs will be shared with staff on a need-to-know basis to ensure that these can be implemented. Examples of adjustments could be the provision of teaching materials in advance, giving directed reading lists, or allowing for extended library loans.

MAs are created in collaboration with you, and will be discussed in detail with your adviser at your first appointment.

Assistive Technology

We have specialist IT rooms on campus with access to various software programmes including text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and mind-mapping tools.

Central Exam Adjustments

We can implement Central Exam Adjustments (CEAs) to ensure you are able to take your exams with reasonable adjustments in place, such as extra writing time and rest breaks. 

Appropriate CEAs will be discussed when you have registered with us, and are dependent on your individual circumstances and the medical evidence you provide. 

Disabled Students' Allowance

Home Students

UK students are encouraged to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA). This can fund software and equipment which you may need in order to undertake your studies, as well specialist study skills tuition.

If you are funded by a UK Research Council, you should speak with an Adviser for further information on how to apply. All other home students must apply for DSA via Student Finance England, or the appropriate home country equivalent. Our team are happy to answer any questions you may have about the process.

International Students

International students are not eligible for DSA funding, though where appropriate, LSE will cover the cost of disability-related support and technology needed for your studies. 

Studying at LSE

For practical information and tips, please see our guide to studying at LSE with AD(H)D (pdf).


Any sensitive information which you provide is held by the Disability and Mental Health Service in the strictest confidence, and only shared with other LSE staff on a need-to-know basis with your prior consent. The only exception is where the withholding of information poses a significant risk of harm to yourself or others. For full details, please see our Policy, Procedures and Confidentiality page. 

 Speak with an Adviser

Disability and Mental Health Service

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Contact us


Call us: +44 (0) 20 7955 7767

Address View on Google maps

4th Floor, Pethick-Lawrence House (PEL), Clements Inn, London, WC2A 2AZ

(Please use the Fawcett House entrance and take the lift to the 4th Floor. Turn right when you exit the lift and you’ll see our department.)