Expand each section to see the different programmes, projects and initiatives that make up our education and student experience change work. Links to additional information are provided wherever possible. Please contact Rachel Harper: r.harper@lse.ac.uk for more information about individual initiatives.
Each project and programme contributes to LSE achieving its education and student experience priorities:
1. Strengthening LSE's educational offering
2. Creating and supporting a diverse student body
3. Delivering a more consistently excellent student experience.
All of the relevant strategic change work in Education and Student Experience will be closely aligned to the emerging Operational Excellence Programme. This may mean some changes are made to activity in Education and Student Experience. This list will be updated termly to keep it live and so any changes will be reflected in it on a rolling basis
- Academic Integrity, including responding to Generative AI in this context
- Assessment Regulations Review (also encompasses policies, processes, and practices)
- Developing Assessment Tariff/ Envelope/ load model
- Enhancing marking (i.e. marking criteria)
- Enhancing feedback (quality and timeliness)
- Inclusive assessment, including in response to Anticipatory Duty (as applicable)
- Establishing LSE's Assessment and Feedback Principles (first step in developing an LSE Assessment and Feedback Enhancement Framework)
- Enhancements in marking and feedback for quantitative disciplines (GradeScope)
- Lecture Recording Review
- Interactive teaching tools (Mentimeter)
- Evaluations of renovated, and plans for new, teaching spaces
- E-Exams Phase 2 - Platform Procurement (Phase 1: DigiExam, bring own device and locked down browser)
- Scanning of exam scripts (pilot)
- LSE's Digital Assessment Toolkit (getting the most out of existing platforms and tools by enhancing their functionality)
- Assessment Platform Integration (across Moodle, Salesforce, SITS, Akari, other as determined necessary)
- E-Exams MCQ Pilot (MCQ = multiple choice questions)
- Moodle baseline templates and re-theming course and programme pages for more School-wide consistency
- Enhancing staff and student digital capabilities
- TRIUM Moodle Migration
- Progression, Exams, Assessments, Results, Awards (PEARA) project, including implementing changes arising from the Resits and Deferred Assessment Period (RDAP) Review (including new Economics PGT In-Year Resits and Deferred Assessment Period (IRDAP)) – making improvements to SITS
- Student Academic Administration Project (SAAP) (shifting LFY into Salesforce; then making enhancements)
- Exam Scheduler Replacement
- Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Data Futures – ensuring LSE can meet new regulatory reporting requirements
- Graduate Financial Support Application Transformation (Financial Support Office process improvements)
- ARD Recruitment and Admissions Programme
- Developing Analysis team, investing in staffing and resources, outputs
- Developing Evauation team, framework, pilots, funding, staffing
- Revised roles and responsibilities and governance regarding student surveys
- Co-designing joint dashboards for Planning Division and degree programme teams
- LSE Offer 2024-25: the School's guidance on consistent core provision for all students
- Outward Mobility – enhancing the university and non-university mobility routes offered by LSE
- Civic Engagement – curricular, extracurricular, co-curricular, through Halls and on campus, in schools, and with our CIVICA European university partners
- Personal and Professional Development – integrating and enhancing LSE’s offer of opportunities for students
- Better ways to pull together and promote part-time jobs at LSE
- Me+LSE tool to enable students to easily search for, navigate through, and choose from the many opportunities at LSE such as Careers sessions, Faith Centre, LSE Generate, LSE LIFE, Volunteer Centre, etc.
- LSE Careers CRM Review
- Akari Curriculum Management System (replacing CAPIS and REG)
- Credit Framework – exploring introducing a Credit Framework at LSE
- Development of an Academic Model (the next stage for determining, designing, delivering a future state for Course Selection and Timetabling)
- Exploring restructuring of the academic year
- Generative AI in Education - specifically: call for teaching buy-outs to develop courses in light of AI; Department AI Leads; AI and Education Working Group; academic practice development and curriculum review/redesign (workshops, resources, innovation); School guidelines and policies
- Periodic Programme Review – piloting two models to establish a periodic programme review process at LSE
- Programme Learning Outcomes – all departments requested to establish and publish these by summer 2026
- Developing institutional response to Educational Gains in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).
Three targets to increase access to LSE for UK undergraduates, as agreed for the 2025-2029 Access and Participation Plan (APP) with the Office for Students (OfS):
- Increase access for female students in quantitative subjects (those which require A-level Maths)
- Increase access for students from low-participation areas (as measured by a statistical measured called ‘TUNDRA’ which classifies local areas into five groups – or ‘quintiles’ – based on the proportion of young people who enter higher education)
- Increase access for students from the lowest-income households (as measured by checking if students were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at secondary school, which is a measure of deprivation)
- Pre-arrival and Welcome, including Welcome Survey response, and School-wide hoodies provision
- In-year activity, provision and opportunities – review and enhance at School and department level
- Graduation
- Embed new Student Community team in LSE LIFE
- Contextual Offer Holders Programme project
- Mapping and supporting consistency and equity of student community provision across departments
- Contributing to delivery of relevant Race Equity Framework actions
- ‘Non-LSE Halls students’ – building better understanding of cohort, considering targeted interventions
- LSE Intranet Portal (goes beyond and reports beyond Education and Student Experience)
- Website Upgrade (goes beyond and reports beyond Education and Student Experience)
- Student Mind Charter Award – setting up governance and laying groundwork for submission of application
- Department Senior Student Advisers and Community of Practice for all departments
- AI Tool for analysing student feedback
- Student Education Panel
- Change Makers scheme
- Enhancements to Staff-Student Liaison Committees, Consultative Fora (with Students’ Union)
- Increasing survey response rates especially for UG Survey, and looking at amount/utility of surveying
- Baseline of department activity to ‘close the feedback loop’ (written summary of previous cohort’s feedback and department response to it – ideally at individual degree programme level; sharing good practice with all staff)